

2D 和 3D 版本的导航网格分别为 NavigationPolygonNavigationMesh






如果你在遵循导航路径时遇到剪切或碰撞问题,请务必记住,你需要通过合适的导航网格告诉导航系统你的意图。导航系统本身永远不会知道 “这是树木/岩石/墙壁碰撞形状或可视化网格”,因为它只知道 “我被告知在这里可以安全通过,因为它在导航网格上”。

导航网格的烘焙可以使用 NavigationRegion2DNavigationRegion3D 实现,也可以直接使用 NavigationServer2DNavigationServer3D 的 API。

使用导航区块 NavigationRegion 烘焙导航网格




2D 和 3D 版本分别为 NavigationRegion2DNavigationRegion3D

Baking with a NavigationRegion2DBaking with a NavigationRegion3D



为了使区块工作,需要添加一个 NavigationPolygon 资源。




  • “parsed_geometry_type”用于筛选是否应从 :ref:`SceneTree<class_SceneTree>`解析视觉对象或物理对象或两者。有关解析哪些对象以及如何解析的更多详细信息,请参阅下面关于解析源几何体的部分。

  • parsed_geometry_type 包括物理碰撞时, collision_mask 过滤哪些物理碰撞对象被包括在内。

  • source_geometry_mode 定义在哪个节点上开始解析,以及如何遍历 SceneTree

  • source_geometry_group_name 在只应解析某个节点组时使用。取决于所选的 source_geometry_mode


  • cell_size 设置栅格网格大小,并且应与导航地图大小相匹配。

  • agent_radius 收缩烘焙的导航网格,以便为代理(碰撞)大小提供足够的边距。



  1. var on_thread: bool = true
  2. bake_navigation_polygon(on_thread)

要使用默认设置快速测试 2D 烘焙:

  • 添加一个 NavigationRegion2D

  • 为 NavigationRegion2D 添加一个 NavigationPolygon 资源。

  • 在 NavigationRegion2D 下面添加一个 Polygon2D

  • 使用选中的 NavigationRegion2D 绘制工具绘制一个 NavigationPolygon 轮廓。

  • 使用选中的 Polygon2D 绘制工具在 NavigationPolygon 轮廓中绘制一个 Polygon2D 轮廓。

  • 点击编辑器的烘焙按钮,就会出现导航网格。

../../_images/nav_region_baking_01.webp ../../_images/nav_mesh_mini_2d.webp



添加 NavigationMesh 资源后,区块才能够正常工作。




  • “parsed_geometry_type”用于筛选是否应从 :ref:`SceneTree<class_SceneTree>`解析视觉对象或物理对象或两者。有关解析哪些对象以及如何解析的更多详细信息,请参阅下面关于解析源几何体的部分。

  • parsed_geometry_type 包括物理碰撞时, collision_mask 过滤哪些物理碰撞对象被包括在内。

  • source_geometry_mode 定义在哪个节点上开始解析,以及如何遍历 SceneTree

  • source_geometry_group_name 在只应解析某个节点组时使用。取决于所选的 source_geometry_mode


  • cell_size 和``cell_height`` 设置光栅栅格大小,并且应与导航地图大小相匹配。

  • agent_radius 收缩烘焙的导航网格,以便为代理(碰撞)大小提供足够的边距。

  • agent_height 从导航网格中排除代理太高而无法容纳的区域。

  • agent_max_climbagent_max_slope 可移除相邻体素之间高度差过大或其表面过陡的区域。


太小的 cell_sizecell_height 可能会创建太多的体素,从而有可能冻结游戏甚至崩溃。



  1. var on_thread: bool = true
  2. bake_navigation_mesh(on_thread)

要使用默认设置快速测试 3D 烘焙:

../../_images/nav_mesh_bake_toolbar.webp ../../_images/nav_mesh_mini_3d.webp

使用 NavigationServer 烘焙导航网格

NavigationServer2DNavigationServer3D 都提供了烘焙导航网格相关的 API 函数,可以在烘焙过程中的不同阶段单独调用。

  • parse_source_geometry_data() 可用于将源几何体解析为可重用和可序列化的资源。

  • bake_from_source_geometry_data() 可用于根据已解析的数据烘焙导航网格,例如避免(冗余)解析的运行时性能问题。

  • bake_from_source_geometry_data_async() 是相同的,但烘焙用线程延迟的导航网格,而不是阻塞主线程。



  • 服务器可以在不烘焙的情况下解析源几何体,例如缓存以供以后使用。

  • 服务器允许选择根节点,以便手动启动源几何体解析。

  • 服务器可以接受程序生成的源几何图形数据并从中烘焙。

  • 服务器可以按顺序烘焙多个导航网格,同时(重新)使用相同的源几何体数据。


2D 和 3D 版本的源几何体资源分别为 NavigationMeshSourceGeometryData2DNavigationMeshSourceGeometryData3D











To avoid misaligned edges between different region chunks the navigation meshes have two important properties for the navigation mesh baking process. The baking bound and the border size. Together they can be used to ensure perfectly aligned edges between region chunks.



The baking bound, which is an axis-aligned Rect2 for 2D and AABB for 3D, limits the used source geometry by discarding all the geometry that is outside of the bounds.

The NavigationPolygon properties baking_rect and baking_rect_offset can be used to create and place the 2D baking bound.

The NavigationMesh properties filter_baking_aabb and filter_baking_aabb_offset can be used to create and place the 3D baking bound.

With only the baking bound set another problem still exists. The resulting navigation mesh will inevitably be affected by necessary offsets like the agent_radius which makes the edges not align properly.



This is where the border_size property for navigation mesh comes in. The border size is an inward margin from the baking bound. The important characteristic of the border size is that it is unaffected by most offsets and postprocessing like the agent_radius.

Instead of discarding source geometry, the border size discards parts of the final surface of the baked navigation mesh. If the baking bound is large enough the border size can remove the problematic surface parts so that only the intended chunk size is left.




The baking bounds need to be large enough to include a reasonable amount of source geometry from all the neighboring chunks.



  • Navigation mesh baking creates frame rate problems at runtime




  • Navigation mesh 在 2D 创建 unintended holes。

    The navigation mesh baking in 2D is done by doing polygon clipping operations based on outline paths. Polygons with “holes” are a necessary evil to create more complex 2D polygons but can become unpredictable for users with many complex shapes involved.


  • 导航网格显示在三维几何体内部。


    A NavigationObstacle3D shape set to bake with navigation mesh can be used to discard geometry as well.

NavigationObstacle3D unwanted geometry discard

A NavigationObstacle3D shape can be used to discard unwanted navigation mesh parts.

Navigation mesh script templates


2D GDScript3D GDScript

  1. extends Node2D
  2. var navigation_mesh: NavigationPolygon
  3. var source_geometry : NavigationMeshSourceGeometryData2D
  4. var callback_parsing : Callable
  5. var callback_baking : Callable
  6. var region_rid: RID
  7. func _ready() -> void:
  8. navigation_mesh = NavigationPolygon.new()
  9. navigation_mesh.agent_radius = 10.0
  10. source_geometry = NavigationMeshSourceGeometryData2D.new()
  11. callback_parsing = on_parsing_done
  12. callback_baking = on_baking_done
  13. region_rid = NavigationServer2D.region_create()
  14. # Enable the region and set it to the default navigation map.
  15. NavigationServer2D.region_set_enabled(region_rid, true)
  16. NavigationServer2D.region_set_map(region_rid, get_world_2d().get_navigation_map())
  17. # Some mega-nodes like TileMap are often not ready on the first frame.
  18. # Also the parsing needs to happen on the main-thread.
  19. # So do a deferred call to avoid common parsing issues.
  20. parse_source_geometry.call_deferred()
  21. func parse_source_geometry() -> void:
  22. source_geometry.clear()
  23. var root_node: Node2D = self
  24. # Parse the obstruction outlines from all child nodes of the root node by default.
  25. NavigationServer2D.parse_source_geometry_data(
  26. navigation_mesh,
  27. source_geometry,
  28. root_node,
  29. callback_parsing
  30. )
  31. func on_parsing_done() -> void:
  32. # If we did not parse a TileMap with navigation mesh cells we may now only
  33. # have obstruction outlines so add at least one traversable outline
  34. # so the obstructions outlines have something to "cut" into.
  35. source_geometry.add_traversable_outline(PackedVector2Array([
  36. Vector2(0.0, 0.0),
  37. Vector2(500.0, 0.0),
  38. Vector2(500.0, 500.0),
  39. Vector2(0.0, 500.0)
  40. ]))
  41. # Bake the navigation mesh on a thread with the source geometry data.
  42. NavigationServer2D.bake_from_source_geometry_data_async(
  43. navigation_mesh,
  44. source_geometry,
  45. callback_baking
  46. )
  47. func on_baking_done() -> void:
  48. # Update the region with the updated navigation mesh.
  49. NavigationServer2D.region_set_navigation_polygon(region_rid, navigation_mesh)
  1. extends Node3D
  2. var navigation_mesh: NavigationMesh
  3. var source_geometry : NavigationMeshSourceGeometryData3D
  4. var callback_parsing : Callable
  5. var callback_baking : Callable
  6. var region_rid: RID
  7. func _ready() -> void:
  8. navigation_mesh = NavigationMesh.new()
  9. navigation_mesh.agent_radius = 0.5
  10. source_geometry = NavigationMeshSourceGeometryData3D.new()
  11. callback_parsing = on_parsing_done
  12. callback_baking = on_baking_done
  13. region_rid = NavigationServer3D.region_create()
  14. # Enable the region and set it to the default navigation map.
  15. NavigationServer3D.region_set_enabled(region_rid, true)
  16. NavigationServer3D.region_set_map(region_rid, get_world_3d().get_navigation_map())
  17. # Some mega-nodes like GridMap are often not ready on the first frame.
  18. # Also the parsing needs to happen on the main-thread.
  19. # So do a deferred call to avoid common parsing issues.
  20. parse_source_geometry.call_deferred()
  21. func parse_source_geometry() -> void:
  22. source_geometry.clear()
  23. var root_node: Node3D = self
  24. # Parse the geometry from all mesh child nodes of the root node by default.
  25. NavigationServer3D.parse_source_geometry_data(
  26. navigation_mesh,
  27. source_geometry,
  28. root_node,
  29. callback_parsing
  30. )
  31. func on_parsing_done() -> void:
  32. # Bake the navigation mesh on a thread with the source geometry data.
  33. NavigationServer3D.bake_from_source_geometry_data_async(
  34. navigation_mesh,
  35. source_geometry,
  36. callback_baking
  37. )
  38. func on_baking_done() -> void:
  39. # Update the region with the updated navigation mesh.
  40. NavigationServer3D.region_set_navigation_mesh(region_rid, navigation_mesh)

The following script uses the NavigationServer to update a navigation region with procedurally generated navigation mesh data.

2D GDScript3D GDScript

  1. extends Node2D
  2. var navigation_mesh: NavigationPolygon
  3. var region_rid: RID
  4. func _ready() -> void:
  5. navigation_mesh = NavigationPolygon.new()
  6. region_rid = NavigationServer2D.region_create()
  7. # Enable the region and set it to the default navigation map.
  8. NavigationServer2D.region_set_enabled(region_rid, true)
  9. NavigationServer2D.region_set_map(region_rid, get_world_2d().get_navigation_map())
  10. # Add vertices for a convex polygon.
  11. navigation_mesh.vertices = PackedVector2Array([
  12. Vector2(0.0, 0.0),
  13. Vector2(100.0, 0.0),
  14. Vector2(100.0, 100.0),
  15. Vector2(0.0, 100.0)
  16. ])
  17. # Add indices for the polygon.
  18. navigation_mesh.add_polygon(
  19. PackedInt32Array([0, 1, 2, 3])
  20. )
  21. NavigationServer2D.region_set_navigation_polygon(region_rid, navigation_mesh)
  1. extends Node3D
  2. var navigation_mesh: NavigationMesh
  3. var region_rid: RID
  4. func _ready() -> void:
  5. navigation_mesh = NavigationMesh.new()
  6. region_rid = NavigationServer3D.region_create()
  7. # Enable the region and set it to the default navigation map.
  8. NavigationServer3D.region_set_enabled(region_rid, true)
  9. NavigationServer3D.region_set_map(region_rid, get_world_3d().get_navigation_map())
  10. # Add vertices for a convex polygon.
  11. navigation_mesh.vertices = PackedVector3Array([
  12. Vector3(-1.0, 0.0, 1.0),
  13. Vector3(1.0, 0.0, 1.0),
  14. Vector3(1.0, 0.0, -1.0),
  15. Vector3(-1.0, 0.0, -1.0),
  16. ])
  17. # Add indices for the polygon.
  18. navigation_mesh.add_polygon(
  19. PackedInt32Array([0, 1, 2, 3])
  20. )
  21. NavigationServer3D.region_set_navigation_mesh(region_rid, navigation_mesh)