This article explains how to create and manage UI themes using the Godot editor and its theme editor tool. We recommend getting familiar with the basics behind GUI skinning/theming by reading GUI 皮肤简介 before starting.
主题编辑器是底部面板工具,当一个 Theme 资源被选中进行编辑时,面板会自动激活。面板包含了添加、删除和调整主题类型和主题项目的必要用户界面。面板有一个预览区,用于测试你做出的变化,以及一个窗口对话框,用于对主题项目进行批量操作。
和其他任何资源一样,主题可以直接在文件系统面板中创建:右键,选择新建资源…,然后选择 Theme 并点击创建。用来创建项目范围的主题很方便。
也可以在任何控件节点中创建主题。在场景树中选择控件节点后,找到检查器中的 theme
熟悉。然后就可以选择新建 Theme。
Previews can also be used to quickly select the theme type to edit. Select the picker tool from the toolbar and hover over the preview area to highlight control nodes. Highlighted control nodes display their class name, or type variation if available. Clicking on the highlighted control opens it for editing on the right-hand side.
通过点击项目旁边的Override按钮,可以将默认主题中的个别项目添加到当前主题中。你也可以通过点击Override All按钮来覆盖所选主题类型的所有默认项目。然后可以用Remove Item按钮移除被覆盖的属性。属性也可以用Rename Item按钮重命名,完全自定义的属性可以用它下面的文本字段添加到列表中。
Styleboxes have a unique feature available, where you can pin an individual stylebox from the list. Pinned stylebox acts like the leader of the pack, and all styleboxes of the same type are updated alongside it when you change its properties. This allows you to edit properties of several styleboxes at the same time.
单击Manage Items按钮会打开Manage Theme Items对话框。在Edit Items选项卡中,你可以查看和添加主题类型,以及查看和编辑所选类型的主题项目。
你可以通过点击相应的 Add X Item 并指定其名称,创建、重命名和删除单个主题项目。你也可以按数据类型(使用列表中的画笔图标)或按质量批量删除主题项。Remove Class Items将删除你为一个控制节点类型定制的所有内置主题项目。Remove Custom Items将删除所选类型的所有自定义主题项目。**Remove All Items**将删除该类型的所有项目。
From the Import Items tab you can import theme items from other themes. You can import items from the default Godot theme, the Godot editor theme, or another custom theme. You can import individual or multiple items, and you can decide whether to copy or omit their data as well. There are several ways you can select and deselect the items, including by hand, by hierarchy, by data type, and everything. Opting to include the data will copy all theme items as they are to your theme. Omitting the data will create the items of the corresponding data type and name, but will leave them empty, creating a template of a theme in a way.