Android Studio

Android Studio is a free IDE for Android development made by Google and JetBrains. It’s based on IntelliJ IDEA and has a feature-rich editor which supports Java and C/C++. It can be used to work on Godot’s core engine as well as the Android platform codebase.


  • From the Android Studio’s welcome window select Open.

Android Studio 的欢迎界面.

  • 导航到 <Godot根目录(Godot root directory)>/platform/android/java 并选择 settings.gradle 文件.

  • Android Studio 将导入项目并为其编制索引.

Android Studio 项目结构

你可以使用 Android Studio 4.1或更高版本 进行安装:

  • lib module:

    • 导航到 <Godot根目录(Godot root directory)>/platform/android/java 并选择 settings.gradle 文件

      the Godot java and native code and make it available as a reusable dependency / artifact.

    • The artifact generated by this module is made available for other Android modules / projects to use as a dependency, via MavenCentral.

  • editor 模块:

    • 位于 <Godot 根目录>/platform/android/java/editor 中,这就是一个应用程序模块

      存放的是 Godot Editor 的 Android 移植版的源代码。

    • 这个模块依赖于 lib 模块。

  • app 模块:

    • 位于 <Godot 根目录>/platform/android/java/app 中,这就是一个应用程序模块

      存放的是 Android 构建模板的源代码。

    • 这个模块依赖于 lib 模块。


  • 要构建 editor 模块:

  • 要调试 editor 模块:

    • Open the Build Variants window using View > Tools Windows > Build Variants from the top menu.

    • In the Build Variants window, make sure that in the Active Build Variant column, the :editor entry is set to dev.

    • Open the Run/Debug Configurations window by clicking on Run > Edit Configurations… on the top menu.

    • In the Run/Debug Configurations window, select the editor entry, and under Debugger make sure the Debug Type is set to Dual (Java + Native)



The app module requires the presence of a Godot project in its assets directory (<Godot root directory>/platform/android/java/app/assets) to run. This is usually handled by the Godot Editor during the export process. While developing in Android Studio, it’s necessary to manually add a Godot project under that directory to replicate the export process. Once that’s done, you can follow the instructions below to run/debug the app module:

  • To build the app module:

  • To debug the app module:

    • Open the Build Variants window using View > Tools Windows > Build Variants from the top menu.

    • In the Build Variants window, make sure that in the Active Build Variant column, the :app entry is set to dev.

    • Open the Run/Debug Configurations window by clicking on Run > Edit Configurations… on the top menu.

    • In the Run/Debug Configurations window, select the app entry, and under Debugger make sure the Debug Type is set to Dual (Java + Native)


If you run into any issues, ask for help in Godot’s Android dev channel.