Deprecated: Use AudioEffectHardLimiter instead.
Inherits: AudioEffect < Resource < RefCounted < Object
Adds a soft-clip limiter audio effect to an Audio bus.
A limiter is similar to a compressor, but it’s less flexible and designed to disallow sound going over a given dB threshold. Adding one in the Master bus is always recommended to reduce the effects of clipping.
Soft clipping starts to reduce the peaks a little below the threshold level and progressively increases its effect as the input level increases such that the threshold is never exceeded.
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Property Descriptions
The waveform’s maximum allowed value, in decibels. Value can range from -20 to -0.1.
Applies a gain to the limited waves, in decibels. Value can range from 0 to 6.
float soft_clip_ratio = 10.0
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Threshold from which the limiter begins to be active, in decibels. Value can range from -30 to 0.
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