Introduction and Use Case(s)

The QUIT command in Redis is used to close the connection between the client and the server. This command is typically used at the end of a series of operations when the client no longer needs to communicate with the Redis server.


  1. QUIT

Parameter Explanations

The QUIT command does not take any parameters. It is simply issued alone to close the current connection.

Return Values

The QUIT command always returns OK.


  1. dragonfly> QUIT
  2. OK

Code Examples

  1. dragonfly> SET mykey "value"
  2. OK
  3. dragonfly> GET mykey
  4. "value"
  5. dragonfly> QUIT
  6. OK

Best Practices

  • Use QUIT to gracefully terminate the connection, especially in environments where resources are limited, ensuring that connections do not linger unnecessarily.
  • Incorporate QUIT in scripts or automated tasks after all necessary Redis commands have been executed to maintain good resource management.

Common Mistakes

  • Issuing QUIT prematurely before completing all intended operations can lead to an incomplete execution of tasks.
  • Not using QUIT in long-lived applications can result in unnecessary consumption of resources on the Redis server due to idle connections.


When should I use the QUIT command?

Use QUIT at the end of your session with the Redis server when you no longer need to maintain an open connection.

What happens if I don’t use QUIT?

If QUIT is not used, the connection remains open until it times out or is explicitly closed by the client application. This can lead to resource wastage on the server.

Does issuing QUIT save data automatically?

No, QUIT merely closes the connection. Any data persistence must be handled through appropriate Redis commands like SAVE or BGSAVE before calling QUIT.