Introduction and Use Case(s)

The GETRANGE command in Redis is used to retrieve a substring of the value stored at a specific key. It’s particularly useful when you need only a portion of a string rather than the entire value, such as extracting a specific segment of text or analyzing parts of a large string.


  1. GETRANGE key start end

Parameter Explanations

  • key: The key of the string from which you want to get a range.

  • start: The starting index of the range. This can be a positive or negative integer.

  • end: The ending index of the range. This can also be a positive or negative integer.

    • Positive integers refer to positions from the beginning of the string (0-based index).
    • Negative integers refer to positions from the end of the string (-1 is the last character).

Return Values

The GETRANGE command returns the specified substring of the string value stored at the given key. If the key does not exist, an empty string is returned.

Code Examples

  1. dragonfly> SET mykey "Hello, World!"
  2. OK
  3. dragonfly> GETRANGE mykey 0 4
  4. "Hello"
  5. dragonfly> GETRANGE mykey 7 -1
  6. "World!"
  7. dragonfly> GETRANGE mykey -6 -2
  8. "World"
  9. dragonfly> GETRANGE mykey 7 100
  10. "World!"

Best Practices

  • To avoid errors, ensure that the specified key contains a string value before using GETRANGE.
  • Be mindful of the indices used; specifying out-of-bound indices will not cause errors but will return data up to the available length.

Common Mistakes

  • Using GETRANGE on non-string keys, which will result in an error.
  • Misinterpreting the negative indices; understanding that they count from the end of the string is crucial.
  • Assuming indices beyond the string length might throw an error; instead, Redis adjusts and returns valid output within the string’s bounds.


What happens if I use GETRANGE on a non-existing key?

GETRANGE on a non-existing key returns an empty string.

Can I use GETRANGE on binary or encoded data?

Yes, GETRANGE operates on the bytes of the string value, so it can be used on any string data, including binary or encoded data.