Introduction and Use Case(s)

The PUNSUBSCRIBE command is used in Redis to unsubscribe the client from one or more channels that match a given pattern. It’s typically employed in scenarios where clients need to stop receiving messages published to specific patterns of channels, often in real-time messaging systems or pub/sub architectures.


  1. PUNSUBSCRIBE [pattern [pattern ...]]

Parameter Explanations

  • pattern: The pattern(s) from which the client should unsubscribe. This parameter is optional. If no pattern is given, the client will unsubscribe from all previously subscribed patterns.

Return Values

The command returns an array of messages. Each message contains three elements:

  1. Type of operation ("punsubscribe").
  2. The pattern from which the client is unsubscribed.
  3. The count of total subscriptions (patterns + channels) the client is still subscribed to.

Example Output

  1. 1) "punsubscribe"
  2. 2) "news.*"
  3. 3) (integer) 0

Code Examples

  1. dragonfly> PSUBSCRIBE news.*
  2. Reading messages... (press Ctrl-C to quit)
  3. 1) "psubscribe"
  4. 2) "news.*"
  5. 3) (integer) 1
  6. # In another terminal, publish a message
  7. dragonfly> PUBLISH news.sports "Sports News"
  8. (integer) 1
  9. # Unsubscribe from the pattern
  10. dragonfly> PUNSUBSCRIBE news.*
  11. 1) "punsubscribe"
  12. 2) "news.*"
  13. 3) (integer) 0

Best Practices

  • It is good practice to manage your subscriptions effectively to avoid unnecessary processing load on both the server and the client side.

Common Mistakes

  • Forgetting to provide the correct pattern can lead to unsuccessful unsubscriptions.
  • Not accounting for the fact that unsubscribing from all patterns when no patterns are provided might not be the intended behavior.