Introduction and Use Case(s)

The PUBSUB command in Redis is used for managing and monitoring the publish/subscribe messaging paradigm. It allows clients to subscribe to channels, receive messages on those channels, and check the state of subscriptions. Typical use cases include real-time messaging systems, notifications, and broadcasting updates across distributed systems.


  1. PUBSUB subcommand [argument [argument ...]]

Parameter Explanations

  • subcommand: Specifies the PUBSUB operation to perform. Can be one of:
    • CHANNELS [pattern]: Lists currently active channels optionally matching a pattern.
    • NUMSUB [channel-1 channel-2 ...]: Returns the number of subscribers for the specified channels.
    • NUMPAT: Returns the number of subscriptions to patterns (that is, subscriptions created using PSUBSCRIBE).

Return Values

  • CHANNELS: An array of active channels matching the optional pattern.
  • NUMSUB: An array where each pair represents a channel and its subscriber count.
  • NUMPAT: An integer representing the total number of pattern subscriptions.

Code Examples

  1. dragonfly> PUBSUB CHANNELS
  2. 1) "channel1"
  3. 2) "channel2"
  4. dragonfly> PUBSUB CHANNELS ch*
  5. 1) "channel1"
  6. dragonfly> PUBSUB NUMSUB channel1 channel2
  7. 1) "channel1"
  8. 2) (integer) 3
  9. 3) "channel2"
  10. 4) (integer) 0
  11. dragonfly> PUBSUB NUMPAT
  12. (integer) 2

Best Practices

  • Be cautious when using the CHANNELS subcommand in a production environment with many active channels, as this may have performance implications.

Common Mistakes

  • Forgetting to specify the subcommand when using PUBSUB, which results in a syntax error.
  • Using incorrect patterns in CHANNELS can lead to unexpected results or an empty list.


What happens if I subscribe to a non-existent channel?

Subscribing to a non-existent channel will not return an error. The subscription will be established, and you will start receiving messages if they are published to that channel in the future.

How can I unsubscribe from a channel?

You can use the UNSUBSCRIBE command followed by the channel name(s) you wish to unsubscribe from.