Introduction and Use Case(s)

The DUMP command in Redis is used to serialize a given key and return the serialized value. This command is particularly useful for migrating data between different Redis instances or for creating backups. It helps in efficiently exporting Redis data without having to copy entire databases.


  1. DUMP key

Parameter Explanations

  • key: The name of the key you want to serialize. It must be a valid key that exists in the Redis database.

Return Values

The DUMP command returns a binary string representing the serialized value of the given key. If the key does not exist, it returns nil.


  1. "\x00\xc0\x02\x06\x00\xfa"

If the key doesn’t exist:

  1. (nil)

Code Examples

  1. dragonfly> SET mykey "Hello"
  2. OK
  3. dragonfly> DUMP mykey
  4. "\x00\xc0\x03\x05\x00\xf9rU$\x8f\x1e\x1c"
  5. dragonfly> DUMP non_existent_key
  6. (nil)

Best Practices

  • Ensure the key you are serializing with DUMP exists to avoid unnecessary errors.
  • When using DUMP for migration, pair it with the RESTORE command to reconstitute the key in the target Redis instance.

Common Mistakes

  • Using DUMP on a non-existent key will return nil, which may lead to confusion if not handled properly in scripts.


Can I use DUMP to migrate data between different versions of Redis?

Yes, you can use DUMP to serialize data from one Redis instance and RESTORE to deserialize it into another instance, even if they are running different versions of Redis.

Is the output of DUMP human-readable?

No, the output of DUMP is a binary string. It is meant to be used programmatically and not for direct reading by humans.