Introduction and Use Case(s)

The ZPOPMIN command is used to remove and return the member with the lowest score from a sorted set. This is useful in scenarios where you need to process elements in ascending order of their scores, such as task scheduling or priority queues.


  1. ZPOPMIN key [count]

Parameter Explanations

  • key: The name of the sorted set.
  • count (optional): The number of elements to pop from the sorted set. If not provided, the default value is 1.

Return Values

The command returns an array of the popped elements and their scores. If the optional count argument is provided, it returns up to count elements. For example:

  • If no elements are in the sorted set, an empty array is returned.
  • If the sorted set contains elements, it will return each element followed by its score.

Code Examples

  1. dragonfly> ZADD myzset 1 "one" 2 "two" 3 "three"
  2. (integer) 3
  3. dragonfly> ZPOPMIN myzset
  4. 1) "one"
  5. 2) "1"
  6. dragonfly> ZPOPMIN myzset 2
  7. 1) "two"
  8. 2) "2"
  9. 3) "three"
  10. 4) "3"
  11. dragonfly> ZPOPMIN myzset
  12. (empty array)

Best Practices

  • Ensure the sorted set exists before calling ZPOPMIN to avoid unexpected empty results.
  • Use the optional count parameter when you need to pop multiple elements at once to minimize the number of commands sent to the server.

Common Mistakes

  • Using ZPOPMIN on a non-existent key will return an empty array, which might be misinterpreted as there being no elements with low scores rather than the absence of the sorted set.
  • Not providing the count parameter when intending to pop multiple elements can lead to multiple round-trip commands, which may affect performance.


What happens if the sorted set is empty?

If the sorted set is empty, ZPOPMIN returns an empty array.

Can I use ZPOPMIN to pop elements in descending order?

No, ZPOPMIN only removes elements with the lowest scores. To pop elements with the highest scores, use the ZPOPMAX command instead.