Introduction and Use Case(s)

The LREM command in Redis is used to remove elements from a list based on their value. This command is particularly useful for scenarios where you need to clean up or modify a list by removing specific occurrences of a given element.


  1. LREM key count element

Parameter Explanations

  • key: The name of the list from which to remove elements.
  • count: An integer that determines how many occurrences of the element to remove:
    • If count is positive, it removes elements equal to element moving from head to tail.
    • If count is negative, it removes elements equal to element moving from tail to head.
    • If count is zero, all occurrences of element are removed.
  • element: The value to be removed from the list.

Return Values

The command returns an integer representing the number of removed elements.

Code Examples

  1. dragonfly> RPUSH mylist "one"
  2. (integer) 1
  3. dragonfly> RPUSH mylist "two"
  4. (integer) 2
  5. dragonfly> RPUSH mylist "three"
  6. (integer) 3
  7. dragonfly> RPUSH mylist "two"
  8. (integer) 4
  9. dragonfly> LREM mylist 1 "two"
  10. (integer) 1
  11. dragonfly> LRANGE mylist 0 -1
  12. 1) "one"
  13. 2) "three"
  14. 3) "two"
  15. dragonfly> LREM mylist 0 "two"
  16. (integer) 1
  17. dragonfly> LRANGE mylist 0 -1
  18. 1) "one"
  19. 2) "three"

Best Practices

  • When using LREM, always ensure that the list exists to avoid unnecessary errors.
  • Be cautious with the count parameter, especially when set to zero, as it will remove all instances of the specified element, which might not always be desirable.

Common Mistakes

  • Using a non-existent key: This results in no action but can lead to confusion if not checked beforehand.
  • Incorrect use of the count parameter: Misunderstanding its purpose could lead to unexpected deletions from your list.


How does LREM handle non-existent elements?

If the specified element does not exist in the list, LREM simply returns 0 indicating no elements were removed.

Can I use LREM on non-list data types?

No, LREM is designed to work only with lists. Applying it to other data types will result in an error.