Introduction and Use Case(s)

ZMSCORE is a Redis command used to get the scores associated with the specified members in the sorted set stored at a given key. This is useful when you need to retrieve multiple scores in one operation, minimizing network overhead and improving performance.

Typical scenarios include scoring systems, leaderboards, or any application that tracks and ranks items by score.


  1. ZMSCORE key member [member ...]

Parameter Explanations

  • key: The name of the sorted set.
  • member: One or more members for which you want to retrieve the scores.

Return Values

The command returns an array of scores for the specified members, where each element corresponds to the score of the respective member. If a member does not exist in the sorted set, the corresponding element will be nil.


  • If all members are found: [score1, score2, ...]
  • If some members are missing: [score1, nil, score3, ...]

Code Examples

  1. dragonfly> ZADD myzset 1 "one" 2 "two" 3 "three"
  2. (integer) 3
  3. dragonfly> ZMSCORE myzset "one" "two" "four"
  4. 1) "1"
  5. 2) "2"
  6. 3) (nil)

Best Practices

  • Use ZMSCORE instead of multiple ZSCORE commands to reduce the number of round-trip times between your application and the Redis server.

Common Mistakes

  • Using incorrect types: Ensure the key refers to a sorted set. Using ZMSCORE on a key of a different type will result in an error.
  • Misspelling member names: Incorrectly spelled member names will return nil, which can be mistaken for the member not existing in the set.


What happens if some of the specified members do not exist?

The command will return nil for those members, indicating they are not present in the sorted set.

Can I use ZMSCORE with other data types?

No, the ZMSCORE command is specifically designed for sorted sets. Using it with other data types will result in an error.