Introduction and Use Case(s)

SMEMBERS is a Redis command used to return all the members of a set. This command is particularly useful when you need to retrieve the entire set of unique elements stored under a specific key. Typical use cases include getting all tags assigned to a blog post, listing all users in a chat room, or fetching all permissions assigned to a user.


  1. SMEMBERS key

Parameter Explanations

  • key: The name of the set from which you want to retrieve all the members. This parameter is mandatory.

Return Values

SMEMBERS returns an array of the members in the set. If the specified key does not exist, it returns an empty array.

Example outputs:

  • If the set contains members: ["member1", "member2", "member3"]
  • If the set is empty or does not exist: []

Code Examples

  1. dragonfly> SADD myset "one"
  2. (integer) 1
  3. dragonfly> SADD myset "two"
  4. (integer) 1
  5. dragonfly> SADD myset "three"
  6. (integer) 1
  7. dragonfly> SMEMBERS myset
  8. 1) "one"
  9. 2) "two"
  10. 3) "three"
  11. dragonfly> SADD emptyset
  12. (integer) 0
  13. dragonfly> SMEMBERS emptyset
  14. (empty array)

Best Practices

  • When using SMEMBERS, be mindful that if the set has a large number of elements, retrieving all of them at once might cause performance issues. Consider using SSCAN for large sets to iterate over the elements incrementally.

Common Mistakes

  • Using SMEMBERS with a non-set key type will result in a type error. Ensure the key you’re querying actually stores a set.
  • Not handling the case where the set is empty or does not exist can lead to unexpected empty results.


What happens if the key does not exist?

If the specified key does not exist, SMEMBERS returns an empty array.

Can I use SMEMBERS on keys with different data types?

No, SMEMBERS should only be used with keys storing sets. Using it with other data types will result in an error.

How to handle large sets with SMEMBERS?

For large sets, consider using the SSCAN command to iterate over the elements in smaller chunks rather than retrieving all elements at once.