Introduction and Use Case(s)

The SPOP command in Redis is used to remove and return one or more random members from a set. This is particularly useful when you need to randomly select elements from a set without allowing duplicates, such as creating a random sample for testing purposes or implementing a lottery system.


  1. SPOP key [count]

Parameter Explanations

  • key: The name of the set from which to pop members.
  • count (optional): The number of members to pop from the set. If not provided, it defaults to 1.

Return Values

The command returns the popped member if count is not specified, or an array of members when a count is specified.


  • Single element pop: "member"
  • Multiple elements pop: ["member1", "member2"]

Code Examples

  1. dragonfly> SADD myset "one" "two" "three"
  2. (integer) 3
  3. dragonfly> SPOP myset
  4. "two"
  5. dragonfly> SADD myset "four" "five"
  6. (integer) 2
  7. dragonfly> SPOP myset 2
  8. 1) "one"
  9. 2) "five"
  10. dragonfly> SMEMBERS myset
  11. 1) "three"
  12. 2) "four"

Best Practices

  • Use Sparingly: Since SPOP modifies the set by removing elements, ensure that this behavior aligns with your application requirements.
  • Backup Data: If you need to preserve the original set, consider using SRANDMEMBER instead, which retrieves random members without removing them.

Common Mistakes

  • Non-Existent Set: Running SPOP on a non-existent key will return nil, which can cause unexpected results if not handled properly in your application logic.
  • Incorrect Count Usage: Providing a count higher than the number of available set members will only return the existing members without error, potentially leading to confusion.


What happens if the count is greater than the set size?

If the count parameter is larger than the number of members in the set, SPOP will simply return all available members without an error.

Can I use SPOP on a sorted set or list?

No, SPOP is specifically designed for sets. Using it on other data types like sorted sets (ZSET) or lists will result in an error.