Introduction and Use Case(s)

JSON.ARRLEN is a command provided by Redis modules like RedisJSON, used to get the length of a JSON array at a specific path in a JSON document. This is particularly useful when working with data structures that require frequent inspection or processing of JSON arrays within Redis.


  1. JSON.ARRLEN <key> [path]

Parameter Explanations

  • key: The key under which the JSON document is stored.
  • path: (Optional) The JSONPath to the array within the JSON document. If no path is provided, the root path (".") is assumed.

Return Values

Returns the length of the JSON array at the specified path. If the path does not exist or if it doesn’t point to an array, the command will return null.

Example outputs:

  • If the array length is 3: (integer) 3
  • If the path does not exist: null

Code Examples

  1. dragonfly> JSON.SET mydoc . '{"numbers": [1, 2, 3]}'
  2. OK
  3. dragonfly> JSON.ARRLEN mydoc .numbers
  4. (integer) 3
  5. dragonfly> JSON.SET mydoc . '{"nested": {"array": [10, 20]}}'
  6. OK
  7. dragonfly> JSON.ARRLEN mydoc .nested.array
  8. (integer) 2
  9. dragonfly> JSON.ARRLEN mydoc .nonexistent.path
  10. (nil)

Best Practices

When using JSON.ARRLEN, ensure that the path provided accurately refers to an array. Misidentifying the path can lead to unexpected null results.

Common Mistakes

  • Incorrect Path: Providing an incorrect or non-existent path will result in null.
  • Non-array Data Type: Attempting to use JSON.ARRLEN on a path that doesn’t contain an array will also result in null.


What happens if the path points to a non-array element?

The command will return null.

Can I use JSON.ARRLEN on multiple paths in one command?

No, JSON.ARRLEN operates on a single path per command. You need to issue separate commands for each path.