Introduction and Use Case(s)

The PTTL command in Redis is used to retrieve the remaining time to live (TTL) for a key in milliseconds. This command is useful when you need to know how much longer a key will exist before it expires, which can help in cache management and data lifecycle control.


  1. PTTL key

Parameter Explanations

  • key: The name of the key whose TTL you are querying. It should be a string representing the key in the Redis database.

Return Values

  • integer: If the key exists and has an associated expiration time, the command returns the TTL in milliseconds.
  • -1: If the key exists but has no associated expiration time.
  • -2: If the key does not exist.

Code Examples

  1. dragonfly> SETEX mykey 5 "Hello"
  2. OK
  3. dragonfly> PTTL mykey
  4. (integer) 4999
  5. dragonfly> PTTL mynonexistentkey
  6. (integer) -2
  7. dragonfly> SET mynewkey "World"
  8. OK
  9. dragonfly> PTTL mynewkey
  10. (integer) -1

Best Practices

  • Use PTTL over TTL when you need more precise information about the expiration time in milliseconds.
  • Regularly monitor keys with expiration to manage and optimize cache performance efficiently.

Common Mistakes

  • Using PTTL on keys that do not exist or have no expiration set often results in confusion. Always check the return values carefully (-1 and -2) to handle such cases gracefully.


What is the difference between TTL and PTTL?

TTL returns the remaining time to live of a key in seconds, while PTTL returns it in milliseconds, providing higher precision.

Can I use PTTL on all types of keys?

Yes, PTTL works with any key type, but the key must exist and have an expiration set to return a positive value.

What happens if I query PTTL on a persistent key?

If the key exists but does not have an expiration set, PTTL will return -1.