Introduction and Use Case(s)

The SETEX command in Redis sets the value of a key with an expiration time. This is useful for caching data that should expire after a certain period, such as session tokens or temporary data.


  1. SETEX key seconds value

Parameter Explanations

  • key: The name of the key you want to set.
  • seconds: The expiration time for the key, specified in seconds.
  • value: The value to associate with the key.

Return Values

  • OK: If the operation is successful.

Code Examples

  1. dragonfly> SETEX mykey 60 "example"
  2. OK
  3. dragonfly> GET mykey
  4. "example"
  5. dragonfly> TTL mykey
  6. (integer) 59

Best Practices

  • Use SETEX for setting keys that need an automatic expiration, like session identifiers or temporary caches.
  • Choose an appropriate expiration time based on your use case to avoid premature deletion or stale data lingering.

Common Mistakes

  • Setting the expiration time too short, causing the key to expire before it can be used.
  • Forgetting that the expiration time is in seconds, leading to confusion with other time units.


What happens if I call SETEX on an existing key?

Calling SETEX on an existing key will overwrite its value and reset its expiration time.

Can I change the expiration time of a key without changing its value?

No, SETEX sets both the value and the expiration. To change only the expiration, use the EXPIRE or PEXPIRE commands.