Introduction and Use Case(s)

The HEXISTS command checks if a specified field exists within a hash stored in Redis. This is useful for validating the presence of fields before performing operations like updates, deletions, or reads.

Typical scenarios include:

  • Verifying if user-specific data (like settings or preferences) exists before attempting to read or modify it.
  • Checking inventory items or product metadata in an e-commerce application.


  1. HEXISTS key field

Parameter Explanations

  • key: The name of the hash.
  • field: The specific field within the hash that you want to check for existence.

Return Values

  • 1: If the field exists within the hash.
  • 0: If the field does not exist within the hash.

Code Examples

  1. dragonfly> HSET myhash field1 "value1"
  2. (integer) 1
  3. dragonfly> HEXISTS myhash field1
  4. (integer) 1
  5. dragonfly> HEXISTS myhash field2
  6. (integer) 0

Best Practices

  • Use HEXISTS before performing write operations on a field to ensure it exists, thus avoiding unnecessary writes or errors.
  • Combine HEXISTS with other hash commands (HGET, HSET) to create robust data manipulation logic.

Common Mistakes

  • Attempting to use HEXISTS on non-hash data types, which will result in an error. Ensure the key holds a hash before using the command.


Can HEXISTS be used on non-hash keys?

No, HEXISTS can only be used on keys that store hashes. Using it on other data types will result in an error.