Introduction and Use Case(s)

The GEOSEARCH command in Redis is used to query a sorted set representing a geospatial index. It allows users to search for members within a given radius or rectangular area from a central point. Typical scenarios include finding nearby stores, services, or points of interest based on user location.


  3. GEOSEARCH key FROMMEMBER member BYBOX width height unit [WITHCOORD] [WITHDIST] [COUNT count] [ASC|DESC]
  4. GEOSEARCH key FROMLOC lon lat BYBOX width height unit [WITHCOORD] [WITHDIST] [COUNT count] [ASC|DESC]

Parameter Explanations

  • key: The name of the sorted set containing the geospatial data.
  • FROMMEMBER member: Specifies the reference member whose location will be used as the center for the search.
  • FROMLOC lon lat: Specifies longitude and latitude directly as the center for the search.
  • BYRADIUS radius unit: Searches within a circular area defined by the radius and unit (m, km, ft, mi).
  • BYBOX width height unit: Searches within a rectangular area defined by width, height, and unit.
  • WITHCOORD: Optional flag to include coordinates in the returned results.
  • WITHDIST: Optional flag to include distance from the center in the returned results.
  • COUNT count: Limits the number of results returned.
  • ASC|DESC: Sorts the results in ascending or descending order based on distance.

Return Values

The GEOSEARCH command returns an array of matching members. If WITHCOORD or WITHDIST options are specified, it includes additional arrays with coordinates and/or distances:

  • Without flags: [member1, member2, ...]
  • With WITHDIST: [[member1, distance1], [member2, distance2], ...]
  • With WITHCOORD: [[member1, [lon1, lat1]], [member2, [lon2, lat2]], ...]
  • With both WITHDIST and WITHCOORD: [[member1, distance1, [lon1, lat1]], [member2, distance2, [lon2, lat2]], ...]

Code Examples

  1. dragonfly> ZADD places 1 "place1" 2 "place2"
  2. (integer) 2
  3. dragonfly> GEOADD places 13.361389 38.115556 "Sicily"
  4. (integer) 1
  5. dragonfly> GEOADD places 15.087269 37.502669 "Catania"
  6. (integer) 1
  7. dragonfly> GEOSEARCH places FROMMEMBER Sicily BYRADIUS 200 km
  8. 1) "Sicily"
  9. 2) "Catania"
  10. dragonfly> GEOSEARCH places FROMMEMBER Sicily BYRADIUS 200 km WITHDIST
  11. 1) 1) "Sicily"
  12. 2) "0.0000"
  13. 2) 1) "Catania"
  14. 2) "166.2742"
  15. dragonfly> GEOSEARCH places FROMLOC 15 37 BYBOX 300 300 km ASC COUNT 1
  16. 1) "Catania"

Best Practices

  • Regularly update the geospatial data to maintain accuracy.
  • Use the COUNT parameter to limit the number of results, improving performance for large datasets.
  • Utilize WITHDIST and WITHCOORD to get more informative results.

Common Mistakes

  • Not specifying the correct unit (e.g., confusing meters with kilometers), which can lead to incorrect search results.
  • Forgetting to use ASC or DESC to sort results, leading to unordered outputs, especially when limiting the results with COUNT.


What units can be used with GEOSEARCH?

The accepted units are m (meters), km (kilometers), ft (feet), and mi (miles).

How do I ensure my results include distances and coordinates?

Use the WITHDIST and WITHCOORD options to include distances and coordinates in the results.