Introduction and Use Case(s)

SMISMEMBER is a Redis command used to check the existence of multiple members in a set. It is particularly useful when you need to verify the presence of several items at once without issuing multiple SISMEMBER commands. Typical scenarios include validating user IDs in an active session set or checking if certain tags exist within a predefined tag set.


  1. SMISMEMBER key member [member ...]

Parameter Explanations

  • key: The name of the set where the members will be checked.
  • member [member ...]: One or more members whose existence you want to verify in the set.

Return Values

The command returns an array of integers. Each integer corresponds to the presence of the respective member:

  • 1: The member exists in the set.
  • 0: The member does not exist in the set.

Example: For a set with {"one", "two"}:

  • dragonfly> SMISMEMBER myset one two three
    • 1) 1
    • 2) 1
    • 3) 0

Code Examples

  1. dragonfly> SADD myset "one" "two"
  2. (integer) 2
  3. dragonfly> SMISMEMBER myset "one" "two" "three"
  4. 1) (integer) 1
  5. 2) (integer) 1
  6. 3) (integer) 0
  7. dragonfly> SMISMEMBER myset "four"
  8. 1) (integer) 0

Best Practices

  • Use SMISMEMBER instead of multiple SISMEMBER calls to reduce network round trips and improve performance.

Common Mistakes

  • Forgetting that the command checks for multiple members and mistakenly using it for a single member, which can still work but misses the optimization benefits.


What happens if the key does not exist?

If the key does not exist, SMISMEMBER treats it as an empty set and returns 0 for all queried members.

Can I use SMISMEMBER with non-set data types?

No, SMISMEMBER is specific to sets. Using it with other data types will result in an error.