Introduction and Use Case(s)

The PEXPIRE command in Redis is used to set a timeout on a key with a specified expiration time in milliseconds. This is useful for scenarios where you need more granular control over expiration times than the second granularity provided by the EXPIRE command. Typical use cases include caching mechanisms, session management, and temporary data storage.


  1. PEXPIRE key milliseconds

Parameter Explanations

  • key: The name of the key you want to set the expiration time for.
  • milliseconds: The expiration time in milliseconds. This value must be a positive integer.

Return Values

The PEXPIRE command returns an integer indicating whether the timeout was successfully set:

  • (integer) 1: The timeout was set successfully.
  • (integer) 0: The key does not exist or the timeout could not be set.

Code Examples

  1. dragonfly> SET mykey "Hello"
  2. OK
  3. dragonfly> PEXPIRE mykey 1500
  4. (integer) 1
  5. dragonfly> TTL mykey
  6. (integer) 1
  7. dragonfly> PTTL mykey
  8. (integer) 1499
  9. dragonfly> GET mykey
  10. (nil) // After 1.5 seconds, the key will expire

Best Practices

  • Use PEXPIRE when you need millisecond precision for key expiration.
  • Combine with other commands like SET to ensure keys have both a value and expiration time in atomic operations (e.g., using SET key value PX milliseconds).

Common Mistakes

  • Setting a negative or zero value for the milliseconds parameter will result in an error.
  • Forgetting that the key must exist for PEXPIRE to work; otherwise, it returns (integer) 0.


What happens if I try to set a PEXPIRE on a non-existent key?

If the key does not exist, PEXPIRE will return (integer) 0.

Can I remove an expiration timeout once set with PEXPIRE?

Yes, you can remove the expiration timeout using the PERSIST command.