Introduction and Use Case(s)

The BRPOPLPUSH command is used to atomically remove the last element from one list, push it to another list, and return the element. This command is particularly useful in scenarios where lists are being used as work queues. It enables a blocking pop operation with an automatic push, which ensures that tasks can be moved seamlessly between different stages of processing.


  1. BRPOPLPUSH source destination timeout

Parameter Explanations

  • source: The key of the list from which to pop the last element.
  • destination: The key of the list to which to push the element.
  • timeout: The maximum number of seconds to block if the source list is empty. A timeout of 0 means to block indefinitely.

Return Values

  • Returns the element that was popped and pushed.
  • If the timeout expires without any elements being available in the source list, it returns nil.

Code Examples

  1. dragonfly> RPUSH source_list "task1" "task2"
  2. (integer) 2
  3. dragonfly> BRPOPLPUSH source_list destination_list 5
  4. "task2"
  5. dragonfly> LRANGE destination_list 0 -1
  6. 1) "task2"
  7. dragonfly> BRPOPLPUSH source_list destination_list 5
  8. "task1"
  9. dragonfly> LRANGE destination_list 0 -1
  10. 1) "task2"
  11. 2) "task1"
  12. dragonfly> BRPOPLPUSH source_list destination_list 2
  13. (nil)

Best Practices

  • Use a reasonable timeout to avoid indefinite blocking in production systems.
  • Ensure proper handling of nil returns to manage timeouts effectively.

Common Mistakes

  • Using the command with non-list data types, which will result in errors.
  • Setting too short of a timeout, which may lead to frequent nil returns and inefficient processing.


What happens if the source list is empty?

If the source list is empty, BRPOPLPUSH will block for the specified timeout. If no element becomes available within this period, it returns nil.

Can BRPOPLPUSH operate across different databases?

No, BRPOPLPUSH can only operate within the same database. You cannot use it to move elements between lists in different databases.


Yes, BRPOPLPUSH is atomic. The operations of popping from the source list and pushing to the destination list happen together without interference from other commands.