Introduction and Use Case(s)

BITFIELD_RO is a read-only variant of the BITFIELD command in Redis. It is used to perform bit-level operations on strings without modifying them. This command is particularly useful for extracting specific bits or groups of bits from a string, which can be beneficial in scenarios where you need to read serialized data structures.


  1. BITFIELD_RO key GET encoding offset [GET encoding offset ...]

Parameter Explanations

  • key: The key of the string value to operate on.
  • GET: Specifies that the operation is read-only and will retrieve bits without modification.
  • encoding: Defines the format and length of the bit field (e.g., u8, i16, etc.).
  • offset: The position within the string where the bit field starts. This can be an integer or a relative position using #.

Return Values

The command returns an array of integers, where each integer represents the result of a GET sub-command.

Example Outputs:

  • [5]: Represents a single GET result.
  • [10, -3]: Represents results from multiple GET operations.

Code Examples

  1. dragonfly> SET mykey "\x01\x02\x03\x04"
  2. OK
  3. dragonfly> BITFIELD_RO mykey GET u8 0
  4. 1) (integer) 1
  5. dragonfly> BITFIELD_RO mykey GET u8 8
  6. 1) (integer) 2
  7. dragonfly> BITFIELD_RO mykey GET i16 0
  8. 1) (integer) 258
  9. dragonfly> BITFIELD_RO mykey GET u16 16
  10. 1) (integer) 772

Best Practices

  • Ensure that the offsets and encodings you specify align with the actual data structure stored in the string to avoid inconsistencies.
  • Use BITFIELD_RO for reading purposes only. If you need to modify the bit fields, use the BITFIELD command instead.

Common Mistakes

  • Using BITFIELD_RO when intending to modify the string. Note that this command is strictly for read-only purposes.
  • Incorrectly calculating offsets, especially when dealing with multi-byte encodings.


What is the difference between BITFIELD and BITFIELD_RO?

BITFIELD can both read and modify bits in a string, whereas BITFIELD_RO is strictly read-only.

Can I use BITFIELD_RO with non-string data types?

No, BITFIELD_RO operates only on strings. Attempting to use it on other data types will result in an error.

What happens if the offset is out of range?

If the specified offset is beyond the length of the string, the command will return zero for those bit positions.