Introduction and Use Case(s)

The SORT command in Redis is used for sorting the elements in a list, set, or sorted set. This command is particularly useful for organizing and retrieving data in a specific order. Typical scenarios include sorting user scores, timestamps, or any dataset that requires ordered results.


  1. SORT key [BY pattern] [LIMIT offset count] [GET pattern [GET pattern ...]] [ASC|DESC] [ALPHA] [STORE destination]

Parameter Explanations

  • key: The key of the list, set, or sorted set to be sorted.
  • BY pattern: An optional parameter specifying an external key pattern to sort by.
  • LIMIT offset count: Optional parameters to limit the number of results returned.
  • GET pattern: Optional parameter(s) to return additional properties specified by key patterns.
  • ASC|DESC: Optional parameters to sort in ascending (default) or descending order.
  • ALPHA: Optional flag to indicate sorting lexicographically rather than numerically.
  • STORE destination: Optional parameter to store the result in another key instead of returning it.

Return Values

The return value of the SORT command depends on whether the STORE option is provided:

  • Without STORE: Returns a list of sorted elements.
  • With STORE: Returns the number of elements stored in the destination key.

Example outputs:

  • Without STORE: 1) "one" 2) "two" 3) "three"
  • With STORE: (integer) 3

Code Examples

  1. dragonfly> RPUSH mylist 3 1 2
  2. (integer) 3
  3. dragonfly> SORT mylist
  4. 1) "1"
  5. 2) "2"
  6. 3) "3"
  7. dragonfly> SORT mylist DESC
  8. 1) "3"
  9. 2) "2"
  10. 3) "1"
  11. dragonfly> SET user:1:name "Alice"
  12. OK
  13. dragonfly> SET user:2:name "Bob"
  14. OK
  15. dragonfly> SET user:3:name "Carol"
  16. OK
  17. dragonfly> SORT mylist BY user:*:name GET user:*:name
  18. 1) "Alice"
  19. 2) "Bob"
  20. 3) "Carol"
  21. dragonfly> SORT mylist LIMIT 0 2
  22. 1) "1"
  23. 2) "2"
  24. dragonfly> SORT mylist STORE sorted_list
  25. (integer) 3
  26. dragonfly> LRANGE sorted_list 0 -1
  27. 1) "1"
  28. 2) "2"
  29. 3) "3"

Best Practices

  • Use the LIMIT option to paginate large datasets efficiently.
  • When sorting strings, use the ALPHA option to ensure correct lexical ordering.

Common Mistakes

  • Sorting a set or sorted set without providing the correct pattern for external keys can lead to unexpected results.
  • Omitting the ALPHA option when sorting non-numeric strings can cause incorrect ordering.


How does BY work with hash fields?

The BY option allows you to sort based on values retrieved from hash fields. For example, if you have hashes representing users, you can sort by a user’s age stored in a hash field.

Can I sort multiple fields at once?

Yes, by using multiple GET options, you can retrieve multiple fields, but the sorting itself is based on the primary pattern provided in the BY option.

Is the SORT command efficient for large datasets?

The SORT command can be computationally expensive for large datasets. It’s important to use options like LIMIT and consider storing pre-sorted data if performance becomes an issue.