Introduction and Use Case(s)

The PUBLISH command in Redis is used to send a message to a specified channel. This command is part of the publish/subscribe (pub/sub) messaging paradigm, which enables message broadcasting to multiple subscribers. Typical use cases include real-time notifications, chat applications, and live updates where multiple clients need to receive the same information simultaneously.


  1. PUBLISH <channel> <message>

Parameter Explanations

  • channel: The name of the channel to which the message will be published. Expected to be a string.
  • message: The content of the message that will be sent to all subscribers of the specified channel. Expected to be a string.

Return Values

The PUBLISH command returns an integer representing the number of clients that received the message.


  1. (integer) 3

This means three clients subscribed to the specified channel received the message.

Code Examples

  1. dragonfly> SUBSCRIBE mychannel
  2. Reading messages... (press Ctrl-C to quit)
  3. 1) "subscribe"
  4. 2) "mychannel"
  5. 3) (integer) 1
  6. # In another CLI session
  7. dragonfly> PUBLISH mychannel "Hello, World!"
  8. (integer) 1
  9. # Subscriber output
  10. 1) "message"
  11. 2) "mychannel"
  12. 3) "Hello, World!"

Best Practices

  • Use meaningful channel names to avoid conflicts and confusion.
  • Ensure the message size and frequency are within acceptable limits to prevent performance degradation.

Common Mistakes

Publishing to Non-Existent Channels

Publishing to a channel with no subscribers will return 0. It is not an error but indicates no clients received the message.

Incorrect Data Types

Ensure the message and channel parameters are strings to avoid unexpected behavior.


What happens if I publish to a channel with no subscribers?

A: The PUBLISH command will return 0, indicating no clients received the message.

Can I publish binary data?

A: No, the PUBLISH command expects the message to be a string.