Introduction and Use Case(s)

JSON.GET is a command in Redis used to retrieve JSON values stored at a specific key. This command is especially useful in scenarios where you need to work with JSON data structures, enabling efficient storage and retrieval of complex data.


  1. JSON.GET <key> [path]

Parameter Explanations

  • <key>: The key under which the JSON value is stored.
  • [path]: (Optional) A JSONPath expression to specify which part of the JSON data should be retrieved. Defaults to the root if not provided.

Return Values

The command returns the JSON value stored at the specified key or path. If the key does not exist, it returns nil.


  • Full JSON object: {"name":"John", "age":30}
  • Specific field: "John"

Code Examples

  1. dragonfly> JSON.SET myjson . '{"name": "John", "age": 30}'
  2. OK
  3. dragonfly> JSON.GET myjson
  4. "{\"name\":\"John\",\"age\":30}"
  5. dragonfly> JSON.GET myjson $.name
  6. "\"John\""

Best Practices

  • Use paths to retrieve only the necessary parts of your JSON document, improving performance and reducing bandwidth usage.
  • Ensure correct JSONPath syntax to avoid unexpected results.

Common Mistakes

  • Forgetting to include the path parameter when needed can result in retrieving the entire JSON object instead of a specific part.
  • Using incorrect JSONPath syntax can lead to errors or unexpected outputs.


What happens if the key does not exist?

If the specified key does not exist, JSON.GET will return nil.

Can I use JSON.GET with nested JSON objects?

Yes, you can use JSONPath syntax to target specific fields within nested JSON objects.