Introduction and Use Case(s)

RPOPLPUSH is a Redis command that atomically removes the last element (tail) from one list and inserts it at the beginning (head) of another list. This operation is useful for implementing circular lists or rotating tasks in task queues.


  1. RPOPLPUSH source destination

Parameter Explanations

  • source: The name of the list from which to pop the element. This parameter must be an existing list.
  • destination: The name of the list to push the popped element onto. This can be the same as the source list, effectively rotating the list.

Return Values

  • Returns the element being popped and pushed.
  • If the source list is empty, a nil value is returned.

Code Examples

  1. dragonfly> LPUSH mylist "one"
  2. (integer) 1
  3. dragonfly> LPUSH mylist "two"
  4. (integer) 2
  5. dragonfly> LPUSH mylist "three"
  6. (integer) 3
  7. dragonfly> LRANGE mylist 0 -1
  8. 1) "three"
  9. 2) "two"
  10. 3) "one"
  11. dragonfly> RPOPLPUSH mylist myotherlist
  12. "one"
  13. dragonfly> LRANGE mylist 0 -1
  14. 1) "three"
  15. 2) "two"
  16. dragonfly> LRANGE myotherlist 0 -1
  17. 1) "one"
  18. dragonfly> RPOPLPUSH mylist mylist
  19. "two"
  20. dragonfly> LRANGE mylist 0 -1
  21. 1) "two"
  22. 2) "three"

Best Practices

Using RPOPLPUSH can help maintain the order of tasks when working with task queues. It ensures atomic operations, preventing race conditions in concurrent environments.

Common Mistakes

Using Non-List Data Types

Trying to use RPOPLPUSH on keys that are not lists will result in an error. Ensure both source and destination are lists.

Popping from Empty Lists

If the source list is empty, RPOPLPUSH will return a nil value. Handle this scenario to avoid unexpected behaviors in your application logic.


Can RPOPLPUSH Be Used on the Same List?

Yes, RPOPLPUSH can be used on the same list to rotate its elements.

What Happens if the Source List is Empty?

If the source list is empty, RPOPLPUSH returns nil and no operation is performed on the destination list.