Introduction and Use Case(s)

The JSON.FORGET command in Redis is used to delete a specified path from a JSON document stored in the database. This command is part of the RedisJSON module, which allows for efficient storage and manipulation of JSON data. Typical scenarios for using JSON.FORGET include removing specific fields from JSON objects or deleting entire nested structures within a JSON document.


  1. JSON.FORGET key path

Parameter Explanations

  • key: The key associated with the JSON document.
  • path: The JSONPath expression that specifies the location within the JSON document to delete. The root path ($) can be used to delete the entire JSON document.

Return Values

JSON.FORGET returns:

  • (integer) 1 if the path was successfully deleted.
  • (integer) 0 if the path did not exist.

Code Examples

  1. dragonfly> JSON.SET mydoc $ '{"name":"John", "age":30, "city":"New York"}'
  2. OK
  3. dragonfly> JSON.FORGET mydoc $.age
  4. (integer) 1
  5. dragonfly> JSON.GET mydoc $
  6. "{\"name\":\"John\",\"city\":\"New York\"}"
  7. dragonfly> JSON.FORGET mydoc $.nonexistent
  8. (integer) 0

Best Practices

  • Ensure paths are correctly specified to avoid accidentally deleting unintended parts of the JSON document.
  • Regularly back up your Redis data to prevent accidental loss of important JSON structures.

Common Mistakes

  • Using an incorrect path that does not match any part of the JSON document, leading to no deletions being performed.
  • Forgetting that deleting the root path ($) removes the entire JSON document.


What happens if I use JSON.FORGET on a non-existing path?

If you use JSON.FORGET on a non-existing path, the command will return (integer) 0, indicating that no deletion occurred.

Can I use JSON.FORGET to delete multiple paths at once?

No, JSON.FORGET operates on a single path at a time. You need to issue multiple commands to delete multiple paths.