Server Management

📄️ AUTHLearn how to use Redis AUTH command for server authentication.

📄️ BGSAVELearn how to use Redis BGSAVE command to create a backup of the database in background.

📄️ CLIENT GETNAMELearn how to use Redis CLIENT GETNAME command to fetch name of current connection.

📄️ CLIENT LISTLearn how to use Redis CLIENT LIST command to fetch details about all client connections.

📄️ CLIENT SETNAMELearn how to use Redis CLIENT SETNAME command to assign connection a name.

📄️ CLIENT TRACKINGLearn how to use Redis CLIENT TRACKING command to control server-assisted client side caching for the connection.

📄️ CLIENTLearn how to use Redis CLIENT command to manage clients connected to the Redis server.

📄️ COMMAND COUNTLearn how to use Redis COMMAND COUNT to count the total number of commands.

📄️ COMMANDLearn how to use Redis COMMAND for information about all other commands.

📄️ CONFIG GETLearn how to use Redis CONFIG GET command to retrieve configuration parameters.

📄️ CONFIG RESETSTATLearn how to use Redis CONFIG RESETSTAT command to reset statistics of the server.

📄️ CONFIG SETLearn how to use Redis CONFIG SET command to set the configuration of the server.

📄️ CONFIGLearn how to use Redis CONFIG command to configure Redis server at runtime.

📄️ DBSIZELearn how to use Redis DBSIZE command to fetch the number of keys in the current database.

📄️ DEBUGLearn how to use Redis DEBUG command for debugging tasks.

📄️ ECHOLearn how to use Redis ECHO command to display provided string.

📄️ FLUSHALLLearn how to use Redis FLUSHALL command to delete all keys in every database.

📄️ FLUSHDBLearn how to use Redis FLUSHDB command to remove all keys from the current database.

📄️ HELLOLearn how to use Redis HELLO command as a handshake for the Redis protocol.

📄️ INFOLearn how to use Redis INFO command to yield information and statistics of the server.

📄️ LASTSAVELearn how to use Redis LASTSAVE command to obtain the UNIX timestamp of the last database save.

📄️ MEMORY HELPLearn how to use Redis MEMORY HELP command to know all the MEMORY subcommands.

📄️ MEMORY MALLOC-STATSLearn how to use Redis MEMORY MALLOC-STATS command to retrieve memory allocator stats.

📄️ MEMORYLearn how to use Redis MEMORY command to fetch information on memory.

📄️ MONITORLearn how to use Redis MONITOR command to inspect the operations.

📄️ PINGLearn how to use Redis PING command to check the server’s status.

📄️ QUITLearn how to use Redis QUIT command to close present connection.

📄️ REPLCONFLearn how to use Redis REPLCONF command for assisting in the replication process.

📄️ REPLICAOFLearn how to use Redis REPLICAOF command to convert a master instance into its replicas.

📄️ ROLELearn how to use Redis ROLE command to retrieve the role of the server.

📄️ SAVELearn how to use Redis SAVE command to create a backup of the current database.

📄️ SELECTLearn how to use Redis SELECT command to switch the database for the present connection.

📄️ SHUTDOWNLearn how to use Redis SHUTDOWN command which terminates the server securely.

📄️ SLOWLOG GETDiscover how to use Redis SLOWLOG GET command to retrieve the list of slow commands.

📄️ SLOWLOG HELPDiscover how to use Redis SLOWLOG HELP command to retrieve the current number of entries in the slow log.

📄️ SLOWLOG LENDiscover how to use Redis SLOWLOG LEN command to retrieve the current number of entries in the slow log.

📄️ SLOWLOG RESETDiscover how to use Redis SLOWLOG RESET command to clear all the entries from the slow log.

📄️ SLOWLOGLearn how to use Redis SLOWLOG command to manage the Redis server slowlog.

📄️ TIMELearn how to use Redis TIME command to fetch the current server time.