Introduction and Use Case(s)

The MSETNX command in Redis sets multiple key-value pairs at once, but only if none of the specified keys already exist. It’s useful for ensuring atomicity when initializing values that shouldn’t overwrite existing data.


  1. MSETNX key1 value1 [key2 value2 ...]

Parameter Explanations

  • key1, value1, key2, value2, …: Pairs of keys and values to set. All provided keys will be set to their respective values, but only if none of them already exist in the database.

Return Values

  • (integer) 1: If the keys were set successfully because none of them existed.
  • (integer) 0: If no keys were set because at least one of the specified keys already exists.

Code Examples

  1. dragonfly> MSETNX key1 "value1" key2 "value2"
  2. (integer) 1
  3. dragonfly> MSETNX key1 "newvalue1" key3 "value3"
  4. (integer) 0
  5. dragonfly> GET key1
  6. "value1"
  7. dragonfly> GET key2
  8. "value2"
  9. dragonfly> GET key3
  10. (nil)

Best Practices

  • Use MSETNX when you need to ensure that a batch of keys is set atomically without overwriting existing data.
  • Combine MSETNX with other commands like EXISTS if more complex conditional logic is needed before setting values.

Common Mistakes

  • Assuming MSETNX will partially apply values if some keys don’t already exist. The command is atomic; it either sets all keys or none.
  • Forgetting that MSETNX only works if none of the specified keys exist—meaning even one existing key will cause the entire operation to fail.


How does MSETNX differ from MSET?

While MSET sets multiple keys regardless of whether they already exist, MSETNX ensures none of the specified keys exist before setting any values.

Can MSETNX set a single key-value pair?

Yes, but it’s typically used for multiple key-value pairs. For single key-value operations, using SETNX is more straightforward.