Introduction and Use Case(s)

The FLUSHALL command in Redis is used to remove all keys from all databases. It is particularly useful during development or testing when you need to quickly reset the state of your Redis server. This command is also helpful for clearing caches or when decommissioning a Redis instance.



Parameter Explanations

  • ASYNC: Optional parameter that, if specified, will perform the flush operation asynchronously. This means the command will return immediately, and the actual deletion of keys will happen in the background.

Return Values

The FLUSHALL command returns a simple string reply:

  • "OK": If the operation was successful.

Code Examples

  1. dragonfly> SET key1 "value1"
  2. OK
  3. dragonfly> SET key2 "value2"
  4. OK
  5. dragonfly> DBSIZE
  6. (integer) 2
  7. dragonfly> FLUSHALL
  8. OK
  9. dragonfly> DBSIZE
  10. (integer) 0
  11. dragonfly> SET key3 "value3"
  12. OK
  13. dragonfly> SET key4 "value4"
  14. OK
  15. dragonfly> FLUSHALL ASYNC
  16. OK

Best Practices

While using FLUSHALL, especially in production environments, ensure that it won’t disrupt your application’s operations. Consider using it during maintenance windows or with the ASYNC option to minimize impact.

Common Mistakes

  • Accidental Execution: Using FLUSHALL on a live environment can lead to complete data loss. Always double-check the command before executing.
  • Not Using ASYNC Properly: Without ASYNC, large datasets might cause significant delays and block Redis operations until completion.


Does FLUSHALL delete keys from all databases?

Yes, FLUSHALL removes all keys from all databases in the Redis instance.

How does FLUSHALL ASYNC improve performance?

The ASYNC option allows the server to handle the flush command in the background, letting your application continue its operations without waiting for the command to complete.