Introduction and Use Case(s)

The SCAN command in Redis is used to incrementally iterate over a collection of elements, such as keys in the current database or elements in a hash, set, sorted set, or list. It allows for scanning large datasets without blocking the server for a long time. Typical scenarios include iterating through all keys in a database, fetching members of a set, or retrieving fields in a hash.


  1. SCAN cursor [MATCH pattern] [COUNT count]

Parameter Explanations

  • cursor: This is an integer that represents the iteration state. The first call should start with 0, and subsequent calls should use the cursor returned by the previous SCAN call.
  • MATCH pattern: (Optional) A pattern to filter the keys. For example, MATCH user:* will return only keys that start with “user:”.
  • COUNT count: (Optional) A hint to the server about how many elements to return in this scan. The default is 10.

Return Values

The SCAN command returns an array with two elements:

  1. Cursor: An integer to be used as the cursor in the next call.
  2. Elements: An array of elements (keys, fields, etc.) retrieved in this scan iteration.

Example Outputs

  1. 1) "42"
  2. 2) 1) "key1"
  3. 2) "key2"
  4. 3) "key3"

In the above example, “42” is the cursor for the next call, and “key1”, “key2”, and “key3” are the elements found in this scan iteration.

Code Examples

  1. dragonfly> SCAN 0
  2. 1) "4"
  3. 2) 1) "key1"
  4. 2) "key2"
  5. dragonfly> SCAN 4 MATCH user:*
  6. 1) "0"
  7. 2) 1) "user:1000"
  8. 2) "user:1001"
  9. dragonfly> SCAN 0 COUNT 5
  10. 1) "12"
  11. 2) 1) "key1"
  12. 2) "key2"
  13. 3) "key3"
  14. 4) "key4"
  15. 5) "key5"

Best Practices

  • Use the MATCH option to filter results and reduce unnecessary data transfer.
  • Adjust the COUNT option based on your application’s performance requirements and available memory to balance between speed and resource usage.

Common Mistakes

  • Not using the returned cursor correctly can result in incomplete scans or repeated data.
  • Assuming SCAN guarantees a specific number of elements per call; it’s just a hint, not a strict count.


What is the difference between SCAN and KEYS?

KEYS retrieves all matching keys at once and can block the server if the dataset is large. SCAN fetches keys incrementally, making it more suitable for large datasets.

Can I use SCAN to delete keys?

Yes, you can use SCAN in combination with DEL to delete keys in batches without blocking the server.