Introduction and Use Case(s)

The REPLICAOF command in Redis is used to make the current server a replica (slave) of another instance or to promote it back to a master. This command is particularly useful in scenarios where you need to configure replication for high availability, load balancing, or read scalability.


  1. REPLICAOF host port

Parameter Explanations

  • host: The hostname or IP address of the master instance you want this server to replicate.
  • port: The port number on which the master instance is accepting connections.

Setting REPLICAOF no one will demote the instance from being a replica and return it to standalone mode.

Return Values

This command returns OK if the operation was successful. If the server is already a replica of the specified master, it will also return OK.

Example outputs:

  • OK: When the replica configuration is successfully applied.
  • (error) ERR: If there’s an error applying the replication.

Code Examples

  1. dragonfly> REPLICAOF 6379
  2. OK
  3. dragonfly> REPLICAOF no one
  4. OK

Common Mistakes

  • Incorrect Host/Port: Specifying a wrong host or port will lead to connection failures.
  • Forget to Demote: Not using REPLICAOF no one when promoting a replica back to a master can lead to unintended replication behavior.


What happens to the data on the slave when you run REPLICAOF?

When you run REPLICAOF, the data on the slave will be overwritten by the data from the master during synchronization.

Can you use REPLICAOF to switch masters dynamically?

Yes, you can use REPLICAOF to change the master that a replica server is following without restarting either the master or the replica.

Best Practices

  • Monitor Replication Lag: Regularly monitor replication lag to ensure your replicas are up-to-date with the master.
  • Network Stability: Ensure a stable network connection between master and replicas to avoid frequent disconnections and data inconsistencies.