Introduction and Use Case(s)

LTRIM is a Redis command used to trim a list to the specified range of elements. This command is essential for managing the size of lists, especially in scenarios where lists grow dynamically, such as logging systems or task queues, ensuring that memory usage remains within bounds.


  1. LTRIM key start stop

Parameter Explanations

  • key: The name of the list you want to trim.
  • start: The starting index of the range (0-based). Negative values indicate offsets from the end of the list (-1 being the last element).
  • stop: The ending index of the range (inclusive). Negative values are processed similarly to the start parameter.

Return Values

LTRIM returns a simple string reply:

  • “OK” if the trimming operation was successful.

Example outputs:

  1. OK

Code Examples

  1. dragonfly> RPUSH mylist "one"
  2. (integer) 1
  3. dragonfly> RPUSH mylist "two"
  4. (integer) 2
  5. dragonfly> RPUSH mylist "three"
  6. (integer) 3
  7. dragonfly> RPUSH mylist "four"
  8. (integer) 4
  9. dragonfly> LRANGE mylist 0 -1
  10. 1) "one"
  11. 2) "two"
  12. 3) "three"
  13. 4) "four"
  14. dragonfly> LTRIM mylist 1 2
  15. OK
  16. dragonfly> LRANGE mylist 0 -1
  17. 1) "two"
  18. 2) "three"

Best Practices

  • Use LTRIM in conjunction with other list operations to manage list sizes efficiently, particularly in applications where lists are used for logs or queues.
  • Regularly trim large lists to prevent excessive memory usage.

Common Mistakes

  • Using indices out of the actual list’s range will not cause an error but may lead to unexpected results where the list becomes empty.


What happens if the start and stop indices are out of bounds?

If the start or stop indices are outside the actual list’s range, Redis will handle it gracefully by trimming the list to an empty state if necessary or adjusting the indices to fit the existing list’s boundaries.

Is LTRIM a blocking command?

No, LTRIM is not a blocking command and will perform the operation quickly, making it suitable for use in real-time applications.