Introduction and Use Case(s)

CL.THROTTLE is a command provided by Redis to control the rate of operations on certain keys, effectively implementing a token-bucket algorithm for rate limiting. This is useful in scenarios where you need to limit the number of requests to an API, prevent abuse, or ensure fair usage among clients.


  1. CL.THROTTLE <key> <max_burst> <tokens_per_period> <period>

Parameter Explanations

  • <key>: The key to which rate limiting will be applied.
  • <max_burst>: The maximum number of tokens that can be accumulated in the bucket (burst size).
  • <tokens_per_period>: The number of tokens added to the bucket every period.
  • <period>: The time period (in milliseconds) after which tokens_per_period tokens are added to the bucket.

Return Values

The command returns an array with five elements:

  1. allowed: Integer (1 if the action is allowed, 0 otherwise)
  2. remaining_tokens: Integer (number of tokens left after the current operation)
  3. retry_after: Integer (time in milliseconds after which the next request can be retried, if not allowed)
  4. reset: Integer (time in milliseconds until the rate limit resets)
  5. limit: Integer (maximum number of tokens allowed)

Example output when CL.THROTTLE mykey 5 1 60000 is executed:

  1. 1) (integer) 1
  2. 2) (integer) 4
  3. 3) (integer) 0
  4. 4) (integer) 59999
  5. 5) (integer) 5

Code Examples

  1. dragonfly> CL.THROTTLE api_user_123 10 5 60000
  2. 1) (integer) 1
  3. 2) (integer) 9
  4. 3) (integer) 0
  5. 4) (integer) 59999
  6. 5) (integer) 10
  7. dragonfly> CL.THROTTLE api_user_123 10 5 60000
  8. 1) (integer) 1
  9. 2) (integer) 8
  10. 3) (integer) 0
  11. 4) (integer) 59998
  12. 5) (integer) 10
  13. dragonfly> CL.THROTTLE api_user_123 10 5 60000
  14. 1) (integer) 0
  15. 2) (integer) 0
  16. 3) (integer) 2000
  17. 4) (integer) 59997
  18. 5) (integer) 10

Best Practices

  • Adjust max_burst, tokens_per_period, and period values based on your application’s traffic patterns and acceptable request limits.
  • Monitor the return values to dynamically adjust your rate-limiting strategy as needed.

Common Mistakes

  • Setting max_burst or tokens_per_period to very low values, which can lead to overly aggressive rate limiting and poor user experience.
  • Misinterpreting the retry_after value; it indicates the time after which a request can be made again, not immediately after the command is run.


What happens if I set the period to 0?

Setting the period to 0 will cause the command to return an error since tokens cannot be added in a non-existent timeframe.

Yes, CL.THROTTLE can be used for any scenario requiring rate limiting, such as controlling access to resources or services within an application.