Introduction and Use Case(s)

The ZPOPMAX command in Redis is used to remove and return the member with the highest score in a sorted set. It is particularly useful in scenarios where you need to process or consume elements with the highest priority first, such as task scheduling or leaderboard management.


  1. ZPOPMAX key [count]

Parameter Explanations

  • key: The name of the sorted set from which to pop the member with the highest score.
  • count: An optional integer that specifies the number of elements to return. If not specified, it defaults to 1.

Return Values

The command returns an array containing the members and their scores, ordered from the highest to the lowest score.


  • If count is 1 (or not specified), the response will be a two-element array: the member and its score.
  • If count is greater than 1, the response will be an array containing each member followed by its score.

Code Examples

  1. dragonfly> ZADD myzset 1 "one" 2 "two" 3 "three"
  2. (integer) 3
  3. dragonfly> ZPOPMAX myzset
  4. 1) "three"
  5. 2) "3"
  6. dragonfly> ZPOPMAX myzset 2
  7. 1) "two"
  8. 2) "2"
  9. 3) "one"
  10. 4) "1"

Best Practices

  • Use ZPOPMAX when you need to dequeue items in order of their priority or score.
  • Combine ZPOPMAX with other commands like ZADD to maintain and manipulate your sorted set efficiently.

Common Mistakes

  • Forgetting that ZPOPMAX removes the elements from the sorted set. If you only need to view the highest-scoring element, consider using the ZRANGE or ZREVRANGE command instead.


Can I use ZPOPMAX on a non-existing key?

Yes, if the key does not exist, ZPOPMAX will return an empty array.