Introduction and Use Case(s)

The SCRIPT HELP command in Redis provides helpful information about the available scripting commands. It is used mainly for obtaining a brief description of other script-related commands, which can be particularly useful when working with Lua scripts in Redis.



Parameter Explanations

The SCRIPT HELP command does not take any parameters. It is straightforward and serves a single purpose: to display help information.

Return Values

The command returns an array of strings, where each string is a line of the help documentation. Here is an example of possible output:

  1. 1) "SCRIPT LOAD script"
  2. 2) "Load the specified Lua script into the script cache."
  3. 3) ""
  4. 4) "SCRIPT EXISTS sha1 [sha1 ...]"
  5. 5) "Check existence of scripts in the script cache."
  6. 6) ...

Code Examples

  1. dragonfly> SCRIPT HELP
  2. 1) "SCRIPT LOAD script"
  3. 2) "Load the specified Lua script into the script cache."
  4. 3) ""
  5. 4) "SCRIPT EXISTS sha1 [sha1 ...]"
  6. 5) "Check existence of scripts in the script cache."
  7. 6) "..."

Best Practices

When using Redis scripting, familiarize yourself with the different scripting commands by periodically checking SCRIPT HELP. This ensures you are aware of all available functionalities and can use them efficiently.

Common Mistakes

Misunderstanding Command Purpose

Users might expect SCRIPT HELP to provide detailed usage instructions for writing Lua scripts. Instead, it only lists available script-related commands and their brief descriptions.

Parameter Expectation

Attempting to pass parameters to SCRIPT HELP will result in an error. The command should be used without any arguments.


What is the primary use of SCRIPT HELP?

SCRIPT HELP is used to display a list of available scripting commands and their brief descriptions in Redis.

Can SCRIPT HELP be used with arguments?

No, SCRIPT HELP does not accept any arguments. It simply displays help information for scripting commands.