Introduction and Use Case(s)

BF.MEXISTS is a command in Redis used with Bloom filters to check for the existence of multiple elements. This command is particularly useful in scenarios where you need to test membership of multiple items efficiently, such as when implementing caching layers, recommendation systems, or fraud detection mechanisms.


  1. BF.MEXISTS key element [element ...]

Parameter Explanations

  • key: The name of the Bloom filter.
  • element: One or more elements to be checked for their presence in the Bloom filter.

Return Values

The command returns an array of integers where each integer corresponds to whether the respective element exists in the Bloom filter:

  • 1 if the element probably exists.
  • 0 if the element definitely does not exist.

Example Outputs

  1. dragonfly> BF.MEXISTS myfilter "apple" "banana" "cherry"
  2. 1) (integer) 0
  3. 2) (integer) 1
  4. 3) (integer) 0

In this example, “banana” probably exists in the filter, while “apple” and “cherry” do not.

Code Examples

  1. dragonfly> BF.ADD myfilter "banana"
  2. (integer) 1
  3. dragonfly> BF.MEXISTS myfilter "apple" "banana" "cherry"
  4. 1) (integer) 0
  5. 2) (integer) 1
  6. 3) (integer) 0
  7. dragonfly> BF.ADD myfilter "cherry"
  8. (integer) 1
  9. dragonfly> BF.MEXISTS myfilter "apple" "banana" "cherry"
  10. 1) (integer) 0
  11. 2) (integer) 1
  12. 3) (integer) 1

Best Practices

  • Bulk Checks: Use BF.MEXISTS for bulk checks instead of multiple BF.EXISTS commands to reduce network latency and improve performance.
  • Error Handling: Always handle the probabilistic nature of Bloom filters, understanding that false positives can occur.

Common Mistakes

  • Misinterpreting Results: Assuming that a result of 1 guarantees presence. Bloom filters are probabilistic data structures; a 1 only means the element probably exists.
  • Not Initializing: Ensure elements are added to the Bloom filter using BF.ADD before checking their existence with BF.MEXISTS.


How does BF.MEXISTS differ from BF.EXISTS?

BF.EXISTS checks for the existence of a single element, whereas BF.MEXISTS allows for checking multiple elements at once, providing better performance for batch operations.

Can BF.MEXISTS return false positives?

Yes, BF.MEXISTS can return false positives but never false negatives. If it returns 0, the element definitely does not exist in the filter. If it returns 1, the element probably exists but there’s a small chance it doesn’t.