Frozen Indices

Frozen Indices

By default, Elasticsearch SQL doesn’t search frozen indices. To search frozen indices, use one of the following features:

dedicated configuration parameter

Set to true properties index_include_frozen in the SQL search API or index.include.frozen in the drivers to include frozen indices.

dedicated keyword

Explicitly perform the inclusion through the dedicated FROZEN keyword in the FROM clause or INCLUDE FROZEN in the SHOW commands:

  2. catalog | name | type | kind
  3. ---------------+---------------+----------+---------------
  4. javaRestTest |archive |TABLE |FROZEN INDEX
  5. javaRestTest |emp |TABLE |INDEX
  6. javaRestTest |employees |VIEW |ALIAS
  7. javaRestTest |library |TABLE |INDEX
  1. SELECT * FROM FROZEN archive LIMIT 1;
  2. author | name | page_count | release_date
  3. -----------------+--------------------+---------------+--------------------
  4. James S.A. Corey |Leviathan Wakes |561 |2011-06-02T00:00:00Z

Unless enabled, frozen indices are completely ignored; it is as if they do not exist and as such, queries ran against them are likely to fail.