Delete snapshot repository configuration

Introduced 1.0

Deletes a snapshot repository configuration.

A repository in OpenSearch is simply a configuration that maps a repository name to a type (file system or s3 repository) along with other information depending on the type. The configuration is backed by a file system location or an s3 bucket. When you invoke the API, the physical file system or s3 bucket itself is not deleted. Only the configuration is deleted.

To learn more about repositories, see Register or update snapshot repository.

Path and HTTP methods

  1. DELETE _snapshot/<repository>

Path parameters

ParameterData typeDescription
repositoryStringRepository to delete.

Example request

The following request deletes the my-opensearch-repo repository:

  1. DELETE _snapshot/my-opensearch-repo


Example response

Upon success, the response returns the following JSON object:

  1. {
  2. "acknowledged" : true
  3. }

To verify that the repository was deleted, use the Get snapshot repository API, passing the repository name as the repository path parameter.