k-NN settings

The k-NN plugin adds several new cluster settings. To learn more about static and dynamic settings, see Configuring OpenSearch.

Cluster settings

The following table lists all available cluster-level k-NN settings. For more information about cluster settings, see Configuring OpenSearch and Updating cluster settings using the API.

knn.plugin.enabledDynamictrueEnables or disables the k-NN plugin.
knn.algo_param.index_thread_qtyDynamic1The number of threads used for native library index creation. Keeping this value low reduces the CPU impact of the k-NN plugin but also reduces indexing performance.
knn.cache.item.expiry.enabledDynamicfalseWhether to remove native library indexes that have not been accessed for a certain duration from memory.
knn.cache.item.expiry.minutesDynamic3hIf enabled, the amount of idle time before a native library index is removed from memory.
knn.circuit_breaker.unset.percentageDynamic75The native memory usage threshold for the circuit breaker. Memory usage must be lower than this percentage of knn.memory.circuit_breaker.limit in order for knn.circuit_breaker.triggered to remain false.
knn.circuit_breaker.triggeredDynamicfalseTrue when memory usage exceeds the knn.circuit_breaker.unset.percentage value.
knn.memory.circuit_breaker.limitDynamic50%The native memory limit for native library indexes. At the default value, if a machine has 100 GB of memory and the JVM uses 32 GB, then the k-NN plugin uses 50% of the remaining 68 GB (34 GB). If memory usage exceeds this value, then the plugin removes the native library indexes used least recently.
knn.memory.circuit_breaker.enabledDynamictrueWhether to enable the k-NN memory circuit breaker.
knn.model.index.number_of_shardsDynamic1The number of shards to use for the model system index, which is the OpenSearch index that stores the models used for approximate nearest neighbor (ANN) search.
knn.model.index.number_of_replicasDynamic1The number of replica shards to use for the model system index. Generally, in a multi-node cluster, this value should be at least 1 in order to increase stability.
knn.model.cache.size.limitDynamic10%The model cache limit cannot exceed 25% of the JVM heap.
knn.faiss.avx2.disabledStaticfalseA static setting that specifies whether to disable the SIMD-based libopensearchknn_faiss_avx2.so library and load the non-optimized libopensearchknn_faiss.so library for the Faiss engine on machines with x64 architecture. For more information, see SIMD optimization for the Faiss engine.
knn.faiss.avx512.disabledStaticfalseA static setting that specifies whether to disable the SIMD-based libopensearchknn_faiss_avx512.so library and load the libopensearchknn_faiss_avx2.so library or the non-optimized libopensearchknn_faiss.so library for the Faiss engine on machines with x64 architecture. For more information, see SIMD optimization for the Faiss engine.

Index settings

The following table lists all available index-level k-NN settings. All settings are static. For information about updating static index-level settings, see Updating a static index setting.

index.knn.advanced.filtered_exact_search_thresholdnullThe filtered ID threshold value used to switch to exact search during filtered ANN search. If the number of filtered IDs in a segment is lower than this setting’s value, then exact search will be performed on the filtered IDs.
index.knn.algo_param.ef_search100ef (or efSearch) represents the size of the dynamic list for the nearest neighbors used during a search. Higher ef values lead to a more accurate but slower search. ef cannot be set to a value lower than the number of queried nearest neighbors, k. ef can take any value between k and the size of the dataset.