Update a user

Use the InfluxDB user interface (UI) or the influx command line interface (CLI) to update a user.

Update a user in the InfluxDB UI

User information cannot be updated in the InfluxDB UI.

Update a user using the influx CLI

Use the influx user update command to update a user. Provide the following:

  • An operator token using your influx CLI connection configuration, INFLUX_TOKEN environment variable, or the --token, -t flag.
  • The user ID (provided in the output of influx user list) using the --id, -i flag.
  • The new username for the user using the --name, -n flag.
Update the name of a user
  1. influx user update \
  2. --id USER_ID \
  3. --name NEW_USERNAME

Replace the following:

  • USER_ID: The ID of the user to update
  • NEW_USERNAME: The new username for the user