influx - InfluxDB command line interface

The influx command line interface (CLI) includes commands to manage many aspects of InfluxDB, including buckets, organizations, users, tasks, etc.

InfluxDB OSS and influx CLI versions

Beginning with InfluxDB 2.1, the influx CLI is packaged and versioned separately from InfluxDB. InfluxDB and influx CLI versions may differ, but compatibility is noted for each command.

Download and install the influx CLI

macOS Linux Windows

Do one of the following:

Use Homebrew

  1. brew install influxdb-cli

If you used Homebrew to install InfluxDB 2.7, the influxdb-cli formula was downloaded as a dependency and should already be installed. If installed, influxdb-cli will appear in the output of the following command:

  1. brew list | grep influxdb-cli

Manually download and install

  1. Download the influx CLI package.

    influx CLI v2.7.5 (macOS)

  2. Unpackage the downloaded package.

    Do one of the following:

    • Double-click the downloaded package file in Finder.

    • Run the following command in a macOS command prompt application such Terminal or iTerm2:

      1. # Unpackage contents to the current working directory
      2. tar zxvf ~/Downloads/influxdb2-client-2.7.5-darwin-amd64.tar.gz
  3. (Optional) Place the binary in your $PATH.

    1. # (Optional) Copy the influx binary to your $PATH
    2. sudo cp ~/Downloads/influxdb2-client-2.7.5-darwin-amd64/influx /usr/local/bin/

    If you do not move the influx binary into your $PATH, prefix the executable ./ to run it in place.

  4. (macOS Catalina and newer) Authorize the influx binary.

    macOS requires downloaded binaries to be signed by registered Apple developers. When you first attempt to run influx, macOS will prevent it from running. To authorize the influx binary:

    1. Attempt to run an influx command.
    2. Open System Preferences and click Security & Privacy.
    3. Under the General tab, there is a message about influx being blocked. Click Open Anyway.
  5. Download the influx CLI package.

    Download the influx CLI package from your browser or from the command line.

    Download from your browser

    influx CLI v2.7.5 (amd64) influx CLI v2.7.5 (arm)

    Download from the command line

    1. # amd64
    2. wget
    3. # arm
    4. wget
  6. Unpackage the downloaded package.

    Note: The following commands are examples. Adjust the filenames, paths, and utilities if necessary.

    1. # amd64
    2. tar xvzf path/to/influxdb2-client-2.7.5-linux-amd64.tar.gz
    3. # arm
    4. tar xvzf path/to/influxdb2-client-2.7.5-linux-arm64.tar.gz
  7. (Optional) Place the unpackaged influx executable in your system $PATH.

    1. # amd64
    2. sudo cp influxdb2-client-2.7.5-linux-amd64/influx /usr/local/bin/
    3. # arm
    4. sudo cp influxdb2-client-2.7.5-linux-arm64/influx /usr/local/bin/

    If you do not move the influx binary into your $PATH, prefix the executable ./ to run it in place.

We recommend running influx CLI commands in Powershell. Command Prompt is not fully compatible.

  1. Download the influx CLI package.

    influx CLI v2.7.5 (Windows)

  2. Expand the downloaded archive.

    Expand the downloaded archive into C:\Program Files\InfluxData\ and rename it if desired.

    1. > Expand-Archive .\ -DestinationPath 'C:\Program Files\InfluxData\'
    2. > mv 'C:\Program Files\InfluxData\influxdb2-client-2.7.5-windows-amd64' 'C:\Program Files\InfluxData\influx'
  3. Grant network access to the influx CLI.

    When using the influx CLI for the first time, Windows Defender displays the following message:

    Windows Defender Firewall has blocked some features of this app.

    To grant the influx CLI the required access, do the following:

    1. Select Private networks, such as my home or work network.
    2. Click Allow access.

Provide required authentication credentials

To avoid having to pass your InfluxDB host, API token, and organization with each command, store them in an influx CLI configuration (config). influx commands that require these credentials automatically retrieve these credentials from the active config.

Use the influx config create command to create an influx CLI config and set it as active:

  1. influx config create --config-name <config-name> \
  2. --host-url http://localhost:8086 \
  3. --org <your-org> \
  4. --token <your-auth-token> \
  5. --active

For more information about managing CLI configurations, see the influx config documentation.

Credential precedence

There are three ways to provide the necessary credentials to the influx CLI, which uses the following precedence when retrieving credentials:

  1. Command line flags (--host, --org -o, --token -t)
  2. Environment variables (INFLUX_HOST, INFLUX_ORG, INFLUX_TOKEN)
  3. CLI configuration file


  1. influx [flags]
  2. influx [command]


applyApply an InfluxDB template
authAPI token management commands
backupBack up data (InfluxDB OSS only)
bucketBucket management commands
bucket-schemaManage InfluxDB bucket schemas (InfluxDB Cloud only)
completionGenerate completion scripts
configConfiguration management commands
dashboardsList dashboards
deleteDelete points from InfluxDB
exportExport resources as a template
helpHelp about any command
orgOrganization management commands
pingCheck the InfluxDB /health endpoint
queryExecute a Flux query
restoreRestore backup data (InfluxDB OSS only)
scriptsScripts management commands (InfluxDB Cloud only)
secretManage secrets
setupCreate default username, password, org, bucket, etc. (InfluxDB OSS only)
stacksManage InfluxDB stacks
taskTask management commands
telegrafsTelegraf configuration management commands
templateSummarize and validate an InfluxDB template
userUser management commands
v1Work with the v1 compatibility API
versionPrint the influx CLI version
writeWrite points to InfluxDB


-h—helpHelp for the influx command

Flag patterns and conventions

The influx CLI uses the following patterns and conventions:

Mapped environment variables

influx CLI flags mapped to environment variables are listed in the Mapped to column of the Flags table in each command documentation. Mapped flags inherit the value of the environment variable. To override environment variables, set the flag explicitly in your command.

View mapped environment variables

Some influx CLI commands may not support all mapped environment variables. For more information about what mapped environment variables each command supports, see the command documentation.

Environment variableDescription
INFLUX_ACTIVE_CONFIGCLI configuration to use for commands
INFLUX_CONFIGS_PATHPath to influx CLI configurations (default ~/.influxdbv2/configs)
INFLUX_HIDE_HEADERSHide table headers in command output (default false)
INFLUX_HOSTHTTP address of InfluxDB (default http://localhost:8086)
INFLUX_NAMEInfluxDB Username
INFLUX_ORGInfluxDB Organization name
INFLUX_ORG_DESCRIPTIONOrganization description
INFLUX_ORG_IDInfluxDB Organization ID
INFLUX_OUTPUT_JSONReturn command output JSON
INFLUX_SKIP_VERIFYSkip TLS certificate verification

Shorthand and longhand flags

Many influx CLI flags support both shorthand and longhand forms.

  • shorthand: a shorthand flag begins with a single hyphen followed by a single letter (for example: -c).
  • longhand: a longhand flag starts with two hyphens followed by a multi-letter, hyphen-spaced flag name (for example: --active-config).

Commands can use both shorthand and longhand flags in a single execution.

Flag input types

influx CLI flag input types are listed in each the table of flags for each command. Flags support the following input types:


Text string, but the flag can be used only once per command execution.


Single text string, but the flag can be used multiple times per command execution.


Sequence of digits representing an integer value.


Length of time represented by an integer and a duration unit (1ns, 1us, 1µs, 1ms, 1s, 1m, 1h, 1d, 1w).
