Length Modifier

The Length modifier can shrink or extend strokes.



The Length modifier.


  • 绝对

    Length is in geometry space.


    Length is in ratio to the stroke’s length.


Added length to the start of the stroke. Negative value will shrink the stroke.


Added length to the end of the stroke. Negative value will shrink the stroke.

Used Length

Define what portion of the stroke is used to calculate the direction of the extension.


When enabled, the extension will follow the curvature of the stroke.

  • 点密度

    Multiplied by Start/End for the total point count.

    Segment Influence

    Factor to determine how much the length of the individual segments should influence the final computed curvature. Higher factors makes small segments influence the overall curvature less.

    Filter Angle

    Ignore points on the stroke that deviate from their neighbors by more than this angle when determining the extrapolation shape.


    Invert the curvature of the stroke’s extension.


参阅 过滤器影响