Grease Pencil

This mode lets you adjust the timing of a Grease Pencil object’s animation frames. It is especially useful for blocking out shots.


Channels Region

The Channels region shows the Grease Pencil object in light blue and its layers in gray. Layers have the following settings:


The layer’s opacity.

Use Mask

Toggle the layer’s masks on or off.

Onion Skinning

Toggle onion skinning.

Visibility (eye icon)

Toggle layer visibility in the viewport and in render.

Show all keyframes (checkbox)

When unchecked, the layer gets frozen in its current state, and moving to a different keyframe will no longer change its appearance.

Lock (padlock)

Locked layers can’t be edited.


Add New Layer

Adds a layer.

Remove Layer

Removes the active layer.

Move Layer

Moves the active layer down/up.

Isolate Layer (monitor icon)

Hide all layers except the active one.

Isolate Layer (padlock icon)

Lock all layers except the active one.

Insert Keyframe

You can press I while hovering over the Dope Sheet Editor to insert a keyframe. It’ll create a copy of the active frame if Additive Drawing is enabled, and a blank frame otherwise.

Copying Frames

It is possible to copy frames from one layer to another, or from object to object, using the Copy and Paste tools in the Key menu. Note that keyframes will be pasted into selected layers, so make sure you have a destination layer selected.

Main Region

The keyframes can be manipulated like any other data in the Dope Sheet. Interpolated keyframes (alias breakdowns) are visualized as smaller light blue points.


The Sidebar contains a copy of the Grease Pencil Layer Properties.