13.3. Viewlib top toolbar

13.3. Viewlib top toolbar

The top tool bar in Viewlib is shown below.


The available commands are.


Selection of the desired library which can be also selected in the displayed list.


Selection of the component which can be also selected in the displayed list.


Display previous component.


Display next component.

/projects/eeschema-4.0-en/OEBPS/images/icons/zoom_in.png /projects/eeschema-4.0-en/OEBPS/images/icons/zoom_out.png /projects/eeschema-4.0-en/OEBPS/images/icons/zoom_redraw.png /projects/eeschema-4.0-en/OEBPS/images/icons/zoom_fit_in_page.png

Zoom tools.

/projects/eeschema-4.0-en/OEBPS/images/icons/morgan1.png /projects/eeschema-4.0-en/OEBPS/images/icons/morgan2.png

Selection of the representation (normal or converted) if exist.


Selection of the part, only for multi-part components.


If it exist, display the associated documents. Exists only when called by the place component dialog frame from Eeschema.


Close Viewlib and place the selected component in Eeschema. This icon is only displayed when Viewlib has been called from Eeschema (click on a symbol in the component chooser).