4.4. Netlist tool

4.4. Netlist tool

The Netlist icon, Netlist icon, opens the netlist generation tool.

The netlist file it creates describes all connections in the entire hierarchy.

In a multisheet hierarchy, any local label is visible only inside the sheet to which it belongs. Thus, the label TOTO of sheet 3 is different from the label TOTO of sheet 5 (if no connection has been intentionally introduced to connect them). This is due to the fact that the sheet name path is internally associated with the local label.

Note 1:

Label lengths have no limitations in Eeschema, but the software exploiting the generated netlist can be limited on this point.

Note 2:

Avoid spaces in the labels, because they will appear as separated words. It is not a limitation of Eeschema, but of many netlist formats, which often assume that a label has no spaces.

Netlist dialog


Default Format:

Check to select Pcbnew as the default format.

Other formats can also be generated:

  • Orcad PCB2
  • CadStar
  • Spice, for simulators

External plugins can be launched to extend the netlist formats list (a PadsPcb Plugin was added here).