9.1. Overview
9.1. Overview
A netlist is a file which describes electrical connections between components. In the netlist file you can find:
- The list of the components
- The list of connections between components, called equi-potential nets.
Different netlist formats exist. Sometimes the components list and the equi-potential list are two separate files. This netlist is fundamental in the use of schematic capture software, because the netlist is the link with other electronic CAD software, like:
- PCB software.
- Schematic and PCB Simulators.
- CPLD (and other programmable IC’s) compilers.
Eeschema supports several netlist formats.
- PCBNEW format (printed circuits).
- ORCAD PCB2 format (printed circuits).
- CADSTAR format (printed circuits).
- Spice format, for various simulators (the Spice format is also used by other simulators).