View Persistent Volume Details

This section explains how to view details of Persistent Volumes in the cluster.


You should join a cluster and have the Persistent Volume Claim Viewing permission within the cluster. For more information, refer to “Cluster Members” and “Cluster Roles”.


  1. Log in to the KubeSphere web console with a user who has the Persistent Volume Claim Viewing permission, and access your cluster.

  2. Click Storage > Persistent Volume Claims in the left navigation pane.

  3. On the Persistent Volume Claims page, click Persistent Volume to open the list of Persistent Volumes. Then, click the name of a Persistent Volume to open its details page.

  4. On the left side of the Persistent Volume details page, in the Attributes section, view the resource attributes of the Persistent Volume.



    The current status of the Persistent Volume.

    • Available: The Persistent Volume is not bound to any Persistent Volume claim. The KubeSphere web console currently does not support the direct creation of Persistent Volumes. If you create Persistent Volumes directly using backend command-line tools, the Persistent Volumes will have a status of Available. For more information, refer to the Kubernetes Documentation.

    • Bound: The Persistent Volume is already bound to a Persistent Volume claim.

    • Released: The Persistent Volume claim bound to the Persistent Volume has been deleted while the Persistent Volume itself has not been deleted.

    • Failed: The Persistent Volume encountered an unknown error.


    The capacity of the backend storage area.

    Access Mode

    The access modes of Persistent Volumes.

    • RWO (ReadWriteOnce): Allows a single node to read from and write to the Persistent Volume.

    • ROX (ReadOnlyMany): Allows multiple nodes to read from the Persistent Volume.

    • RWX (ReadWriteMany): Allows multiple nodes to read from and write to the Persistent Volume.

    Storage Class

    The storage class corresponding to the Persistent Volume claim. For more information about storage classes, refer to Storage Classes.

    Volume Handle

    The unique identifier of the Persistent Volume in the backend storage system.

    Reclaim Policy

    The reclaim policy of the Persistent Volume. KubeSphere defaults to the Delete reclaim policy, which means that when the Persistent Volume claim is deleted, the Persistent Volume is also deleted. For more information, refer to the Kubernetes Documentation.

    Volume Mode

    The device type of the Persistent Volume.

    • Filesystem: The Persistent Volume is mounted to containers in the form of a filesystem.

    • Block Device: The Persistent Volume is provided to containers in the form of a block device.

    Creation Time

    The creation time of the Persistent Volume.

  5. Click the Resource Status tab on the right side of the Persistent Volume details page to view information about the Persistent Volume Claim associated with the Persistent Volume.



    The name of the persistent volume claim.

    Storage Class

    The storage class requested by the Persistent Volume Claim.

    Creation Time

    The creation time of the persistent volume claim.


    The storage plugin used by the storage class.

    Access Mode

    The access modes of Persistent Volumes.

    • RWO (ReadWriteOnce): Allows a single node to read from and write to the Persistent Volume.

    • ROX (ReadOnlyMany): Allows multiple nodes to read from the Persistent Volume.

    • RWX (ReadWriteMany): Allows multiple nodes to read from and write to the Persistent Volume.


    The capacity of the backend storage area.

  6. Click the Metadata tab on the right side of the Persistent Volume details page to view the labels and annotations of the Persistent Volume.

  7. Click the Events tab on the right side of the Persistent Volume details page to view the events of the Persistent Volume.



    The type of the event, including Normal and Warning.


    The reason for the event.


    The time when the event occurred.


    The component that reported the event.


    The content of the event message.