View Project Details

This section explains how to view project details.


You should join a cluster and have the Project Viewing permission within the cluster. For more information, refer to “Cluster Members” and “Cluster Roles”.


  1. Log in to the KubeSphere web console with a user who has the Project Viewing permission, and access your cluster.

  2. Click Projects in the left navigation pane.

  3. On the Projects page, click User Projects or System Projects to open the user project list or system project list.

  4. In the project list, click the name of a project to open its details page.

  5. In the Attributes area on the left side of the project details page, view the resource attributes of the project.



    Current status of the project.

    • Active: The project is in normal status.

    • Deleting: The project is being deleted.


    The cluster to which the project belongs.


    The workspace to which the project belongs.

    Creation Time

    The creation time of the project.


    The user who created the project.

  6. On the Overview tab on the right side of the project details page, view the current resource status of the project, such as the number of Pods, Deployments, StatefulSets, DaemonSets, Jobs, CronJobs, Persistent Volume Claims, Services, and Ingresses.

  7. On the Pods tab on the right side of the project details page, view all the pods running in the project.

    • Click chevron-down to view information about the containers running in the pod.

    • Click the name of the pod to view container details.

    • Enter keywords in the search box above the pod list to search for pods whose names contain specific keywords.

    • Click Refresh in the upper-right corner of the pod list to refresh the information.

  8. On the right side of the project details page, click Quotas to view the project’s quota information.


    Default Container Quotas

    Default CPU request, CPU limit, memory request, memory limit, GPU type, and GPU limit for containers in the project. If not specifically configured, newly created containers in the project will use the default container quotas of the project.

    Project Quotas

    The quantity and actual usage of available resources in the project, including CPU, memory, pods, and deployments, etc.

    For information on how to set default container quotas and project quotas, refer to Edit Default Container Quotas and Edit Project Quotas.

  9. On the right side of the project details page, click Metadata to view the labels and annotations of the project.